z Cottage by the Sea : Painted Newsboys
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, January 19, 2018

Painted Newsboys

I am joining in Friday Foto Friends.
I have just 2 photo this week plus a post with some art I have been working on .

Night at the cove. Click to see full size
Salt marsh in winter

 Newsboys were an interesting part of American history.
They stood on street corners in almost every city in America hawking newspapers with their loud "Extra, extra. Read all about it."
Feb 3, 1908
They worked in all weather, all seasons and earned little money but did it to help out their families. Most kids gave their pay to their mother.

I drew some cartoon pictures of newsboys a while back and yesterday I spent the day drawing a news girl to join their little group too. I started in the morning, stopped to welcome the Little home from school and the next thing I knew it was dark outside.
I thought you might like to meet the trio.

Perhaps in my little fantasy world, they work for the fictious Bayside Evening Express (which never has fake news and is always just 2 Cents a copy).   It's nice to have a story to go along with paintings.
The three kids are children of immigrants who came to America in the late 1880's.
Shiobhan (sh-vawn, which means God is gracious and is an Irish name) is the new kid on the block.
The youngest child of the Keenan family who came to America from County Cork, Ireland, Shiobhan joins my other two newsboys, Daniele D'Allesio, whose parents  came from Tuscany,Italy and young Mike Bradshaw,whose parents came over from Birmingham, England.
I re-painted the boys which were originally posted on my other blog and Here as well.

Introducing Shiobhan Mary Keenan

Daniele Andrea D'Alessio

Michael Martin Bradshaw
The three kids have basically the same face shape but that is because they are caricatures.
There are small differences in coloring etc. but, I wanted to make them very alike to stress that we are family after all is said and done.

Don't forget to look at the post below this one. I ranted and raved and would hate to think it was for no purpose. So take a look at my ravings, okay? I promise I really am not mean.


  1. Those are very cute kids. Really sweet
    I like the two scenes you've shared in photos. It's so pretty where you live. It looks like it may have warmed up a lot for you too. I hope so. xx

  2. I LOVE IT!!!! I will begin painting watercolors on the 30th, kind of scary...since I have no idea...but he/the professor promises to teach the technique. Have a beautiful day friends.

  3. Awesome!!!! You are very talented! :) Happy Friday!

  4. I LOVE your newsboys and newsgirl! They are adorable...and perfect in every way!!! I love that you are 'exercising' your mind by painting as well as writing. Such talent! Thank you for sharing this with us. I would love to learn to paint. I used to draw a lot when I was younger, but seem to have lost my way...and I've never learned the art of painting. I may have to take a course or something to keep my brain stimulated. Thank you for the inspiration.

    1. I never learned to paint either LOL! I just began and figured things out as I went. I am sure that technically I am completely wrong. I studied the paintings of Thomas Kinkade and watched a lot of William Alexander too.
      I think art is art if you think it is and if you like it, then, that's all that counts. I am happy you enjoy the art.

  5. I just love your artwork Annie. Your paintings and headers always amaze me. The newsies are so special. Thank you for sharing your art with us. Have a day of blessings my friend.

  6. Beautiful pictures of the cove and the salt grass Annie! And how I love your newsboys and the stories behind them! You have such talent, and the light in their eyes seems so real and genuine, and I'm sure their hearts could tell lots of stories. I enjoyed my visit with you and the Keenan newsboys today :)

  7. Great photos and love your illustrations. Also went back and read your rant and can I confess I enjoyed that as well :)


  8. I always enjoy visiting you. Your photos are beautiful and I love your art and the description of the inspiration.

  9. I love your photos and the paintings are really great, too.

    1. Extraordinary paintings, Annie! Love the name of the girl. One of the actresses on Downton Abbey has that first name and I always thought it was so unusual. Photos are lovely. Now on to read your rant. Have a blessed day.


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