z Cottage by the Sea : Wednesday Haiku # 9
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Wednesday Haiku # 9

Winter solitude
In a world of one color...
the sound of wind.
Matsuo Basho (1644-1694)                         

The snow of yesterday
That fell like cherry blossoms
Is water once again!
Matsuo Basho


  1. Even though it gives me a chill, it's a very peaceful photo!!

  2. I so love the verses you're sharing today, Dearie, and how lovely the Winter image of that cute birdie :)

    Wishing you a remainder of your week as Beautiful as you,
    lovely lady

    XOXO Dany

  3. I like the imagery here, but in verse and picture. I like the thought of the snow falling "like cherry blossoms"...that kind of makes the snow seem even more lovely and magical. I hope you are having a blessed and beautiful week. Stay warm!!

  4. I love your Haiku, smiles. Temps at back to being normal here, now...sigh.

  5. Haiku poems shared
    Bring peace and beauty to us
    Thank you my dear friend

  6. Hi Annie, I love the header with the snowman. I hope to get to the snow this year and build a snowman. I also like the picture of the girl looking out the window. I just added pictures and one is my mantle with snowmen!


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