z Cottage by the Sea : A Bayside Adventure
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, February 12, 2018

A Bayside Adventure

 Toni's Creative Adventures

Thanks for another great adventure Toni.  Click on the graphic to join in  Toni's adventure. It's fun!
As always you can click on any picture to see it full sized.

The Bridge Across The Bay

Barnegat Bay  Bridge  (internet photo)
1.   Walking slowly on the bridge across the bay I suddenly stopped to watch the bridge open to allow a boat through.
That is always a big thrill no matter how many times you see it happen.

2.   A feeling of peaceful serenity came over me as I relaxed and watched the process from the shore.
The boat was gliding along so gracefully, her sails bright white against the blue sky.
I am never bored by the bay or the bridge that takes me to the ocean side of town.
The barrier island which separates me from the ocean is just across the bay and I can see it and it's twinkling lights at night.

The bay by my house

3. The sun rays in the water captured the sheer beauty of of this area I love so much.
It dazzles the eyes but I love the glittering diamonds that dance on the water.

4. Reaching the end of the bridge I thought to myself , "It was a great day. I am grateful to have lived it."

About my story:

I live on Barnegat Bay.
The song My Eyes Adored You by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons mentions the bay because Frankie is a Jersey Boy.
You will see the mention of "walking home every day over Barnegat Bridge and Bay, till we grew into the me and you that went our separate ways.." in the short video of the song below.

What a nostalgic song it is for me.

No matter where you live, bay, mountains, country, city, I hope your day is a special one.


  1. Wonderful as always Annie. I love the way you worked in your beautiful area for the adventure. Here it is 2 am and I'm singing along with Frankie Valli. Love this song. Thank you for joining in my friend.

  2. Oh, Annie, that was so beautiful! I love your story...and your pictures are absolutely perfect as well! The "glittering diamonds that dance on the water" really sparkled!!! And then, that song! Wow! I guess I never listened to all the words before like that! How perfect!! Thank you for sharing that with us...gives me a new appreciation for Frankie Valli as well! And I love the quote at the end by Thomas S. Monson. I try to remember that. I love to use the beautiful things I have often...they were a gift to me, and it is a gift to me and to others to enjoy them rather than let them sit in a cupboard or on a shelf just to collect dust. You've inspired me today. Thank you.

  3. What a wonderful gift your post is !
    Story,song and beautiful photos wrapped in one lovely package !
    Thank you !
    Have a glorious day,my friend...

  4. What a great post, Annie. I hope you have a beautiful day friend. smiles

  5. Well I grew up on Staten Island and in all these years I did not know the exact words to that song in that particular place. Not sure what I was singning... lol.. you learn something new every day.

  6. I enjoyed reading your writing using Toni's prompts. I love your view of the bay.


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