z Cottage by the Sea : Lovely Spring Day
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, June 15, 2018

Lovely Spring Day

 Another week has gone by.
 The Famous Anonymous had surgery in the hospital very, very early on Thursday morning  and came home the same day and is fine. She was even allowed to go to her senior banquet a few hours after. She came right out of the general anesthesia and headed on to her activities after a relatively short stay in recovery.
 She graduates from high school on Monday.
Later in the morning, the Little had her 4th grade awards program and will be moving on to the 5th-6th grade school next. It's a  bitter sweet time for the 4th graders to leave their little school. She received a certificate for being a school safety monitor and for being in the band.
She was so worried about her big sister though and was relieved when the surgery was over.

These photos are from Thursday afternoon and are taken in my neighborhood once again.
I am joining in with Friday Foto Friends and Skywatch Friday this week as usual.

Skies by the bay were blue with wispy clouds
It was  windy by the water today but nice and warm with very little humidity

The back of my head as I watch the sky

A tiny island in the bay


Evening settles in ... and the Little's blonde curls making an appearance. Lots of back of head shots lately.



  1. Fantastic, scenic shots. It looks like you've had some wonderful weather. My kind of day anyway, sunny and windy with no humidity, lol. I'm glad your eldest girl came through surgery okay. It always amazes me how one can have day surgery and be out and about the same day. Congrats to both your girls as they've both achieved milestones and are on their way to bigger things :-) Enjoy your weekend Annie.

    1. It was glorious yesterday. Surgery can be amazing today for sure!

  2. As always wonderful photos Annie. I think my favorites are the one with the back of your head and the last one with The Little's golden curls watching the sunset. Congratulations on both your grands on their graduations and thankful prayers on The Famous Anonymous kid's surgery. Have a blessed day and weekend my friend.

  3. So very glad the surgery went well and she is safe !
    Congrats to both young ladies on their scholastic successes !
    The photos are comforting - wonderful reminders of days gone by .
    By the way , I want to live in that dear little house in your header !!!
    Imagine going to sleep and waking up to the sound of waves...aaaahhhhh...
    Thank you for this post !
    Be well , my friend ...

    1. You can move in but the taxes will put you away! lol.

  4. Glad your daughter came through her surgery..and congrats to both your girls on their achievements.
    Breathtaking photos.. thank you for sharing
    Phoebe x

    1. Thanks Phoebe. They are my grands however. But they live next door to me and we all live on the bay.
      I am glad you enjoyed the photos :)

    2. Your grands? All this time I thought they were your daughters! Now I'm so confused...but love your little family whether they live in your house or next door. Praying graduation went well today for the Famous Anonymous, esp. after having surgery. Also hoping your roof leak is better...been praying for that as well. Blessings to you dear friend...loved the pictures. I thought about you when we were in Maine, esp. at Old Orchard Beach and area. Just made me think of you.

    3. I sure appreciate prayers! I think about you when I see the area here and I remember how alike it is to your area.

  5. Awesome photos...glad the Famous Anonymous kid is ok, smiles. Thank you for the many smiles, Annie.

  6. Your photos!!! They are stunning as always. I so enjoy looking at them and think what a great place to live. Glad to read the news of the Famous Anonymous and congratulations on the upcoming graduation. Is the Little going to middle school now? Congratulations also to her on moving up to the next grade. (Grandson Jack tells me his isn't official until he is actually IN the second grade when school starts. A mere technicality.)

    1. In our community school goes from kindergarten to 4th, then a school for 5-6 and then middle school is 7-8. High school picks up for 9-12.

    2. Thank you for the link on window washing! I am going to redo. :-(

  7. I always love your nature photography. Living on the water, you have so many beautiful moments to capture. That final sunset is glorious!

  8. So gorgeous as always! I really love the one you noted as backyards. I would love to live someplace like that. Beautiful!

  9. I love the little blond photo bomber! Beautiful blue skies, and the last shot is gorgeous. Enjoy your weekend!

  10. So glad the surgery went well! There was a lot going on that day! What a relief. Congratulations to the Littles!
    Your photos are gorgeous! I always love them so much. Have a nice weekend.

  11. Wow! If I had a neighbourhood like yours, I'd want to be out in it every day, too. Fabulous blue sky, and a wonderful sunset!
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

    1. It is a nice place to live except in stormy weather lol.


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