z Cottage by the Sea : Wedneday Black & White
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Wedneday Black & White

The idea for black and white memories comes from Terri at Your Friend From Florida.
It's such a great idea.
I used photos of some old photographs my mother had. 

The first  photo is my maternal grandfather's family back in the day, including the two parents in the middle surrounded by their children.

Next a Tom Thumb wedding in the 1920's and more of my family.

This will have to do for now.


  1. I love old pictures, too, Annie and when it is pictures of family I love them even more!

  2. I just love looking at photos and getting to know my blog friends. Smiles

  3. Somehow , you notice the details more in black and white .
    Your family seems relaxed in their photos.
    My grandmother had a big , green-carpeted album...each photo in a tiny metal frame . Such somber folks...staring into new technology...sadly , she didn't know any of them...her mother died when she was young...was raised by relatives...no one told her about who those people were .
    Have a splendid day , my friend !

  4. I still think black and white photos are sharper than color and I love vintage family photos too. I think I still have some and will do a blog post for a Friday. Have a blessed evening my friend.

  5. I'm so late catching up with blogs! Thanks for joining in on B&W Wednesdays!! Great old family photos!


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