z Cottage by the Sea : Cuban Black Bean Soup & Unconscious Mutterings
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Cuban Black Bean Soup & Unconscious Mutterings

There was already a Cuban Black Bean soup on my restaurant blog, but I added a second recipe that I like even better. If you head on over you can copy it down and try it out. Be sure to let me know if you like it or not.
With the weather getting colder, black bean soup is hearty and warming.
Black beans are also a health bonanza in so many ways and fight diseases.

Today is a chilly day in November with only 10 days left until Thanksgiving. Can  you believe it?
So much to do and I am limited even more this year, but it usually all works out so well.

I am joining in with Toni for Unconscious Mutterings as well:
  1. referral ::letter
  2. stressed ::the point
  3. apply :: for the job
  4. inched :: to the finish line
  5. zipper :: up
  6. plaid :: Scottish
  7. issues ::of the newspaper
  8. orange:: ricky
  9. cream ::whipped
  10. finish :: line 


  1. This looks wonderful. I'm heading over to your recipe blog now!

  2. I absolutely love Black Bean soup and will check your recipe blog for your recipe. I have one but I like trying different ones. Great answers on your UM meme. Have a day of blessings dear Annie.

  3. I just checked out your Black Bean soup recipe. Sounds very tasty. I may have to try it out! Your unconscious mutterings sound very much like what I would say. I hope you are feeling better and not trying to do too much too soon. Yes, Thanksgiving is creeping up on us rapidly. We are celebrating a day later, on Friday, with my side of the family coming from NC and Altamonte springs, FL. area. Thursday will actually be a baking and staging day to get ready for a very large crowd on Friday. It will be fun,tiring, but fun. Making memories. Praying your family time will be very enjoyable, and that you will have some good help for the dinner!!

  4. Great recipe. Today I made tomaten paprika soep.


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