z Cottage by the Sea : Fading Autumn
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, November 30, 2018

Fading Autumn

Autumn has only a little time left before she is retired for another year and replaced by her sister Winter. But, she still has much to offer. Colors fade but the heather oatmeal color of the phragmites is reminiscent of a fine Irish wool sweater. The sky takes on a subtle hue of pinks and blues that are so lovely it is hard to believe.
Once again I am joining Skywatch Friday and Friday Foto Friends.
Below taken on a cold, blustery November day...

Below are the cranes that lift the boats out of the water before the bay freezes over, as it sometimes does. I have shown this photo before from last year. But I love the colors of the leaves and how the blue of the fence matches the blue of the sky.

Phragmites is lovely when it resembles skeins of fine Irish wool. in a heathery oatmeal color.

As the day wanes on a blustery autumn day by the water, the sky turns to soft  baby shades of pink , gray and blue.

The scarlet firey skies of summer turn more sedate when the sun begins to fall below the horizon.
From my vantage point here in the photo below, I can watch the bay peek at me from the end of the little road.

Another week has gone by and we are another week closer to Winter time and her stark, bright colors of peace and solitude.

Until tomorrow and Saturday 9.. remember:


  1. I love your photos and reminder that every season has it's beauty to share. I try to look for it daily here too especially during long and early to darken days. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Lovely series and sky captures. The last photo is my favorite. Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  3. Beautiful photos and prose !
    The crab apple tree out back responded to the weird , changeable weather by sending out two beautiful pink blossoms ! How strange to see that hopeful sign on otherwise bare branches .
    Be warm and well , my friend...

  4. Your fotos are ALWAYS so gorgeous. You truly do live in a beautiful part of the country! HOPE you have a great weekend, sweet Lady!

  5. Beautiful pictures Annie! I can't even pick a favorite today. Hope your weekend is happy and blessed!

  6. Every picture gets more beautiful as I scrolled through your post. Love it.

  7. Your photos are so gorgeous! Amazing! But I must confess, I don't wear perfume. The closest I come to wearing perfume is ZumMist which is a mix of frankincense and myrrh. My husband is allergic to fragrances, but that one he's okay with.

  8. Very nice pics. I love the Phragmites (australis?). So nice. How's now with your health, Annie?

  9. You managed to capture the look and feel of late autumn perfectly! Beautiful photos. Have a great weekend!

  10. Wonderful fading of autumn into winter...such a lovely blend. There is always beauty in every season if we just look for it and appreciate what God has created for us to enjoy. Now, that quote by Dior...I don't wear perfume...gives me a headache and nausea. What does that say about me? LOL. Have a glorious weekend.

  11. Such lovely photos and your words alone paint beautiful pictures, too! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Pretty colors and I also took part in sky watch Friday, if you have time stop by for a cup of coffee

  13. Wonderful photos of a fading Autumn Annie. I especially like the last photo of the bay peeking through. I missed Autumn this year as it went by way too fast. Have a blessed weekend dear friend.


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