Monday, November 19, 2018

Monday. Countdown to Thanksgiving Day

It's beginning to look a lot like holiday season!
I am joining in with Toni's 4 Meme. Holiday Favorites as well as with Melanie's My Day so Far.

1.   Favorite Holiday Of Yours?:
      I like Thanksgiving and I love the lights of Christmas time and the glowing olive oil of    Chanukah.

2.   Favorite Holiday Character In A Movie?:
      Mr. Scrooge  and Professor Wutheridge in the original Bishop's Wife.

3.   Favorite Holiday Dish To Make?:
Sausage Stuffing

4.   Favorite Holiday Weather You Wish For?: Cold !

My Day So Far

The date today:
November 19, 2018
How's the weather?
Sunny and chilly.
What are you wearing?
Clothing! ;)

What chore around the house have you been putting off?
Wiping down inside refrigerator.
Is there anything in your fridge you need to throw out?
What?  Do you even recognize it?
Fridge is cleaned out, just needs to be washed a bit inside as usual each week.

What are you reading?
Nothing at the moment.

A scripture verse you'd like to share.
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth". 
How about a creative project you are working on?
One in progress or one still in your head.
Setting up the table for Thanksgiving. We may have as many as 12 this time.
What special dish or baked item are you planning for this week?
Pecan pie, pumpkin pie, chocolate mousse pie.

Your latest acquisition?
food for the holidays 

Photo to share:

  Parting thoughts...
Be kind to every living thing

See you tomorrow!


  1. Good Afternoon Annie. I like that you did both memes today. My real favorite Christmas movie is all versions of A Christmas Carol although I prefer the old versions more. :) I make sure I never miss The Bishop's Wife with Loretta Young and Cary Grant. Your pumpkin pie and chocolate mousse pie sounds delicious. I'm not a pecan pie lover myself. You made me laugh with your clothing answer LOL! Have a blessed evening dear Annie.

  2. Thanks, Ann for joining in. I'll be at your house for dessert. Just tell me the time! LOL A lovely photo. So simple. Have a great day.

  3. 'Clothing'--you got me rolling, lolololol...sigh, sure needed that. I am sure the folks who have walked by table (another roll, lolol) have thought she/I'm is bonkers, LOLOL

    I just called home and my husband told me it was snowing-bigly. lolol--its currently 37* here on campus and looks like I wants to come down. Happy Thanksgiving my friend, just incase I am not online. smiles

  4. Love your answers to all. That picture of the steps is stunning. I want to step on them... Your desserts sound marvelous. Happy that you will have a nice group for Thanksgiving day. I hope you enjoy the time with your family, and that you will have the energy and strength you need to do what you want to do. I LOVE the Bishop's Wife with Loretta Young and Cary Grant, and the Professor is excellent. I have that movie on DVD and watch it every year. It has to be one of my most favorite movies ever. Have a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving Day. I'm coming for dessert. LOL

    1. I love those old movies and we watch them on Thanksgiving Day every year. This year a James Bond might be added on for my son.

    2. By the way, those stairs are thick slate slabs

  5. Fun questions, great answers, and I just love that photo. Love it!!

  6. Love your sense of humour coming through in your answers, fun. Hoping you're having a great week.

  7. So you are wearing clothing? No pyjama? But I think it is great to wear warm clothing now. It is cold here. There too?

    Love to hear more about Chanoeka. Do you have precious memories about that it?

  8. Love the header ! ...truly enjoy your art ! You have a talent that evokes emotions...the places you paint stir memories...Thank you !
    Just put my free turkey in to bake (for freezer goodies later) and will make the requested Spicy Squash Soup for Thursday...Cranberry Catsup already done and canned to bring . Looking forward to a lovely day with good friends !
    Be well , my friend


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