z Cottage by the Sea : Movies.. a Hard Subject
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Movies.. a Hard Subject

Sunday Stealing! Here we go...
 More from from Books Traveler.
What was you first movie-going experience without your parents?

I have no clue at all.

Do you still buy DVDs or Blu Rays (or do you just stream them)?
I watch online.

What is your guilty pleasure movie? What about it works for you?
No guilt at all.  I always like Wilt Stillman's Cosmopolitan. I like the character studies which are sketchy but interesting.

You have compiled a list of your top 10 movies. Which movies do you like, but would not make the list?
Too hard. I am not a real fan so this is too hard to answer.
 Which movie(s) do you compulsively watch over and over again? What makes it so great?
You've Got Mail, Cosmopolitan, Forbidden Planet,Moonstruck, Godzilla, Murphy's Romance, Karate Kid 2, Zorro the Gay Blade,The Ten Commandments, Gone With the Wind, The Desk Set, Pillow Talk.
I like old movies more than the new which are mostly filth and dirt.
 I have no clue what makes them great. I just enjoy them.

Classic(s) you’re embarrassed to admit you haven’t seen yet?
Not sure what movies are considered classics. There are tons I have not seen as I don't see many movies at all.

Do you have any movie posters hanging on your wall? If yes, which ones and why?
That would be the day.

Tell us about a movie that you are passionate about.
I don't think there are any I am or would ever be passionate about. I thought highly of A Man for All Seasons though.

What is a movie you vow to never watch? Why?
Things like The Exorcist and movies of that genre which are a waste of time and pure fear porn.  They should never be made.

Tell us about a movie that literally left you speechless.
There isn't one. 

What’s a movie that you always recommend?
I have never recommended one that I can think of. I guess it would be Moonstruck though. Its very entertaining. Cher is wonderful in it.  I think that Murphy's Romance  is also entertaining.
I love Laura the old movie with Gene Tierney.
All About Eve is good as well if you like Bette Davis. Very good movie.

Who is an actor you always watch, no matter how crappy the movie?
I can't think of anyone. I have seen a lot of old Joan Crawford movies from the 40's though. I like old movies a lot.

Who is an actor you don’t get the appeal for? Why don’t you like them?
Actually that would be most of them. Their personal lives are such a mess.

Who is an actor, living or dead, you’d love to meet? Why do they intrigue you?
Perhaps Avery Brooks who  taught as a professor at  Rutgers.
Gene Tierney.. who looks just like my mother.

Sexiest actor/actress you’ve seen. (Picture requested!)
I think Gene Tierney is perhaps the most lovely women beside Elizabeth Taylor.
I suppose Tom Selleck was always a nice looking man.

You are casting a movie, pick four or five actors you’d hire to be in it and why we’d love them together.
This is difficult. I am so not into movies in this way.

Which are your favorite actor pairings of all time?   Katherine Hepburn and Spenser Tracy, Tom Hanks and  Meg Ryan , Sally Field and  James Garner, Doris Day and Rock Hudson.

Have you ever watched movies from a decade that was before you were born? If so, which decade is your favorite?
I don't think there is a decade that is a favorite.  I can find good films from any time at all. Also I have a deep prejudice for dividing life up into decades. I don't know who  started it but I don't like them.  My decade is any decade I am living in. and it is my generation as long as I am alive.

If you were to be in a movie would you rather play the hero, villain or anti-hero? Why?

I would rather play a good part whatever that happened to be.


  1. so, Josh (my son) showed me Pillow Talk this week and I absolutely loved it. We watched a Touch of Mink today and also Don't Bother to Knock with Marilyn Monroe. Gosh, I love summer when we can watch movies together. I was reading him your answers and he said we should watch Moonstruck. I am excited. Loved your answers! Have a nice week!


  2. I'm not really into movies much anymore. I love old Cary Grant movies and Gregory Peck movies. My mother also looked a little like Gene Tierney, especially in that picture. Actually my mother looked more like Ava Gardner. Same cheekbones and eye structure, dark hair... I do prefer old classic movies to anything new.

  3. Interesting questions and answers...
    I agree with your pairings and also like Murphy's Romance , You've Got Mail , Moonstruck , the old movies , the Rosemary and Thyme series and British detective series ,among others .
    Hope you have a splendid day !


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