Friday, July 26, 2019

Summer Is Really Here
Summer is here .. really here!

It is as perfect a day as it can be. The sky is vivid blue with wispy clouds here and there, I can smell the water and the freshly cut grasses, the birds are singing and the temperature is lovely, humidity is low.

I was looking at weather trends for the state and things have not changed all that much in the last 60 years at all. Do we exaggerate things when it is too hot or too cold? Could well be. But I pray that the entire summer is like today.
Last night was cool and lovely as well.
I can hear the sound of boats on the bay, a sound I love in summer and I got to thinking about sounds and smells that bring on moods and feeling.
Like the sound of dogs barking in the distance at night. It is a sound I like.
The sound of rain drumming on the rooftop is another sound I find soothing and I do not mind the rumble of distant thunder either.
Yes, that's me in front there.
The smell of cedar and pine make me calm and happy and so can the scent of salt water or the particular odor of a board walk.

A boardwalk has it's own scents: frozen custard, hot dogs, fries and cotton candy and in New Jersey, of course, the smell of sausages and peppers frying on a grill.

Are there sights and sounds and scents that bring on memories, moods or feelings for you?


  1. I spent my childhood between Chicago, Ludington, MI and Kalamazoo, MI. (My grandparents and great aunts and uncles etc.)--it was great time...of course, my grandfather didn't know what to do with a little girl. So, off we had adventures; playing the ponies, picking grapes on the family farm, fishing etc. I just remember lazy, happy days. Not one scent or anything...just happy memories.

    I agree about the temps etc. The last few days have been nice in the evenings/overnight--open windows kind of nights. Here it is rolling in to August already and winter will be upon us soon. smiles

  2. Love your thoughts about summer. Summer is not my favorite season, living here in Florida. We just stay in the AC cooled house and endure it. I remember as a child that we stayed outside and played all the time, we didn't have AC then, so we didn't know the difference. My family used to take trips to Ohio in the summer to visit grandparents and my cousins. We camped in the mountains on the way up and back. Those are very happy memories...the smell of campfire smoke and canvas tents and bacon cooking in the morning...happy memories. The sounds of a mountain brook babbling along the way...I miss those sounds and smells...

  3. What terrific a question !
    The sight of the ocean , sounds of the surf , scent of the salt air - so intense one can taste it in the back of one's throat - are very happy sensory experiences for me( as is the smell of a salt marsh at low tide - go figure !)
    and the smell of sunscreen . Food scents - bacon and fish frying , baking potatoes , fresh-baked bread , still warm from the oven , melting dark chocolate
    and so many more ! Aren't we blessed to have the joy of so many senses !
    Wishing you a delightful day , my friend !


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