z Cottage by the Sea : Tuesday 4 Odds and Ends
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, February 24, 2020

Tuesday 4 Odds and Ends

Hi friends.
Of course I am participating in Tuesday 4, begun by our friend Toni Taddeo and kept in honor and memory of her.
Let's jump right in.

1.  You're having a lovely dinner party for friends and family.  What will you serve for appetizers, main course and dessert?
Appetizer will be a veggies with dip.
I think for the main course we will have Chicken Francaise with  parsley/butter potatoes and sauteed spinach with garlic.
Dessert will be  German black forest cake.

 2. Snow storm!    
You've got house guests and you're all stuck inside for the night.
What do you prepare for dinner.  Will you  watch a movie? Which?
I  think that homemade chili and macaroni and cheese are good for a blustery cold winter night.
 We can watch Moonstruck and/or  or maybe a good James Bond movie..
 Maybe one movie and some cartoons?

3. We are going into New York City for the weekend. Where do you want to go?

I want to stay at the Plaza(It's my favorite Hotel in NYC)  if I am staying over night. 
I want to go to the  opera and then dinner at the Russian Tea Room (one of my favorite places to eat.)

4. You are going to night school.  They offer courses in writing short stories, painting,   piano  or guitar lessons,simple home repairs,baking, and gardening.
Which do you pick  ( or make up one of your own)  and why?
I am drawn equally to home repairs and short story writing. as I feel you  never can learn too much about either subject. Frankly they all sound like great courses and I love learning in general!

I hope you enjoyed this week's Tuesday 4.
I'll be posting again tomorrow.


  1. We went into the Plaza to use the bathroom after spending a few hours in Central Park. My mom could not talk much because of her Alzheimers but she kept pointing to everything and smiling. I left the link to our trip on my post.

  2. I enjoyed your post today Annie. I think I would like to be a guest at your place on a cold, blustery day. I can imagine you would make a nice cosy atmosphere for us to enjoy no matter whether we watch movies or play board games or just visit. I am not familiar with the hotels in NYC but I'm sure there are many fine ones there. I just can't afford them!

  3. Would love to be your guest at your home. It sounds very warm and inviting. I've only been to NYC once in my life, and that was a quick drive through the city with my husband's cousin doing the driving, thank goodness!! I would love to see a Broadway play or a musical. But I would have to have someone who knows the ropes to guide me. Maybe you could go with me? That would be fun. Have a blessed day. I would love to take a painting course...maybe you could teach me?

  4. I would love to be your guest, smiles. How much fun we could have and how much trouble we could get in (grin). Have a beautiful day, friend. smiles

  5. Your snow storm evening sounds wonderful! I've never been to New York, but I think the Plaza would be a great place to stay.

  6. Enjoyed your Tuesday4Meme and your great answers. Especially #1 menu.
    Have a good day.

  7. I'm coming to your house for chili and mac and cheese.

    I love NYC for the theater and ballet. I've never been to the opera, but it's something I plan to do. I've never been to the Russian Tea Room either.

  8. I bet you would be a great writer, I can tell by the way you write your blog. I love your menu ~ very elegant and tasteful. Everyone has shared great meals for their dinner party. BTW, I still love these gulls flying all over the page. :)

  9. Our New York plans intersect at The Russian Tea Room. See you there!

  10. Right before dinner is the wrong time to be reading everyone's posts. All these planned dinners are making me hungry! I vote for the Bond movie if it stars that handsome Daniel Craig.

  11. Annie,

    Thanks for the return visit yesterday to boogie with me. I'm so glad you linked to the dance floor party, so I could find you again. I wanted to take a moment to point out that your Gravatar profile does not have your blog URL linked to it. This makes it difficult for someone who's not familiar with your site to find you. You may want to update your info to provide a way to your blog. :) I enjoyed reading your questions and answers this morning. This is something I would enjoy including in my Tickle Me Tuesday posts on occasion. Are you the one who provides these questions? If so, do you share them ahead of time for others to borrow to build their Tuesday posts with? :) Have a great day and I hope you'll continue to join the 4M dance party again, my dear.

  12. Veggies and dip is always good. Your meals sound yummy. We stayed at the Marriott right across from Central Park and we had a room with a view. It was fabulous. Thankfully my husband was on a business trip so it was covered.


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