z Cottage by the Sea : Hodge Podge
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, March 23, 2020

Hodge Podge


from Brambly Hedge

Welcome to Tuesday 4 begun by Toni Taddeo and kept up in memory of her.

Here are the questions for this week:

1. Who inspires you and why?
I am very inspired by Mrs. Rose Kennedy. She endured the deaths of many of her children and had a relatively difficult life in her marriage I think. She was stalwart, brave, and a lady at all times.

2. Convince us to read  one of your favorite books.
One of my favorite books is 'David Copperfield' It is funny, sad, happy and inspiring all at the same time. And, it is written by  Dickens.. what more can you ask?
It is a look back at a by-gone century and worth the time to read.
Read David Copperfield by Charles Dickens free at Project Gutenberg.
3. What meal does your family just love and will you share the recipe?
My family love my cholent (Dafina) which is really pot roast cooked until it is super dead!
HERE is my recipe
And you have to add kishka to it.. which I love!  Recipe HERE
My spaghetti also is well loved and my stuffed cabbage goes quickly. I thnk my meatloaf is their all time favorite but everyone has their own recipe for that.

4.  In Brambly Hedge they make Rose Petal Jam.
 What kind do you like and why?
I like tomato jam and violet or rose jam. Tomato jam is easier to get though.
Below is my own recipes for violets. You can substitute rose petals for the violets but they must be never sprayed with insecticide!
Here is my recipe for Crystallized Violets and Violet Jam. Thank you for joining in! Don't forget to visit all the others who join in as well. The idea is to make friends.


  1. Hi Annie: I enjoyed your answers. Have a great Tuesday.

  2. Tomato jam? Interesting. smiles. Have a great day friend.

  3. Rose Kennedy certainly had to deal with a lot in life. I've not read much about her. I should.

    I shared my meatloaf recipe. :)

  4. Hi !
    Glad you mentioned Tomato Jam . One expects it to be savory in flavor , and yet it is surprisingly floral ! Tomato is , after all , a fruit !
    Yes , your meatloaf is superb , as are all your recipes - thank you !!!
    Be safe and well , my friend

  5. I have never heard of tomato jam. Husbby and I like to watch documentaries and have seen them on the Kennedy's. We are watching one now on the Royal Family. I like Great Expectations. I read it in 7th grade.

  6. I've never heard of violet or rose jam. I would love to try them some day, are they available on grocery shelves or is it something you have to make for yourself ? I don't remember ever seeing this in our stores. Enjoyed my visit today, hope you're staying well.

  7. What interesting food names your shared. What point of origin does these hail from. Sounds like some great family recipes I will have to check into taht tomato jam!

  8. That's a wonderful women to be inspired by. I always admired Princess Diana. Take care and stay well.


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