Monday, March 9, 2020

Music Monday
a second post for Monday

This is a favorite song and the video shows a bit of my area.
The song is Old Pine by Ben Howard.
Joining in with Music Monday.

Questions are up on Tuesday 4 for tomorrow.. join up!


  1. Not heard of it, but how exciting seeing your area...

  2. Love the song, smiles...I long to be near the beach, just not California. LOL

  3. Beautiful scenery and I like the music too.

  4. What a nice lil' song & the video is too cute! That's one of those sight-seeing videos. Too lovely for sure. Thanks for stopping by and playin' along with us. Have a great week!

  5. Annie,

    What a lovely song for this rainy Tuesday morning! I'm so happy to see you on the 4M dance floor, my dear. I hope your week is ever bit as beautiful and relaxing as this song makes me feel this morning. Have a boogietastic week! ;)

  6. The Summer Girl (that would be me !) loves this video and music !
    Oh , to be by the smell the salt relax into the sounds of surf and the lovely feeling of warm sand...feeling so centered and at peace...sigh...
    Thank you ! What a lovely beginning to my day ! May you be greatly blessed !

  7. Song is new to me (my favorite part was the last minute and a half or so), and I've only been to the Jersey Shore once in my life - for a wedding about 10 years ago. That sand is so white. One day I will return and explore it more, I can hope. Alana


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