z Cottage by the Sea : Extreme! Tuesday 4
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Extreme! Tuesday 4

It's Tuesday 4 Time! Yay. 
This week, let's think about extremes....

1.Besides a house or car what is the most expensive thing you've ever bought?
 My baby grand piano. It was expensive but well worth it and has gotten a lot of use by me and the Famous Anonymous.

2.What is the coldest temperature you've experienced? The warmest?

 Minus 24° F in Cheyenne Wyoming one winter. Thats  minus -31°Celsius.
The hottest was in Dallas,Texas at 110°F with 95% humidity. 

3.Can you name a favorite TV/Radio program that you secretly can't get enough of or one that you will watch every chance you get? Perhaps binge watch?
It changes but lately it was  Midsomer Murders. Before that Riverdale, also just finished   binge watching Tagged with the Famous Anonymous.

4.What is very wrong but sounds good to most people at first?
The list is long however I am choosing this one for today: since the sign on the left popped up lthe other day on something or other and it annoyed me a bit.
Memes that say, "God is saying to you....." or "God is telling you today...." look great but they are very wrong. according to my religious belief.

These phrases  are a variant of "thus saith the Lord", a prelude to actual prophecy  where God actually talks to a real prophet.
 "Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy delusions..." from Isaiah(ישעיהו)  ( mechon mamre tranlation)You see, prophets never told the people how righteous and wonderful they were or that they worried too much. They told them to shape up!  They didn't say, you're fine.. just keep on keeping on. Prophets told people to do better, not sit on their laurels and do nothing to change.
As for the meme on the left.. Well, . maybe you aren't worrying ENOUGH!! Do we ever think of that? Perhaps your spiritual state is a mess and you should be severely worried.    Maybe if more people worried about their spiritual state and compared themselves to what God really has to say we would have a better world.
But instead this sign tells you you are fine , don't worry your head about anything,   sit back, do nothing, and drift on through life without a care.
"But the prophet, that shall speak a word presumptuously in My name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die." ― Deuteronomy (דברים)18 
It sounds good, but its wrong..  
 Please, no religious debates over this... thanks.

We've had rain for a few days now and things are growing quite a lot.
I hope people will be putting in veggie gardens this spring as  we are entering into a very iffy time food wise after this awful shut down.

Now I know what Toni was talking about... Please don't use my blog to answer these questions. Put your answers on your own blog. Thanks :)  As Toni did, I will delete comments that answer the questions here rather than on tyour own blog.


  1. I just finished reading Deuteronomy. So I know what you are saying. We inherited my mother in laws baby grand. It was used when she got it. My grandson likes to play it.
    I had a piano but gave it to my son and my grand daughter plays it now.

  2. I am wishing we could put in a vegie garden. I am thinking about that too. I just don't have the energy to tackle it right now, but definitely we should consider it. Maybe I can talk my son into digging up some space for me to plant a few things. I understand your concern regarding the prophetic type of statement. I see that style of writing in several devotionals that are very popular, and I am concerned with people putting words into God's mouth. However, it is based on scriptural truth, but perhaps being taken out of context. However I do know that God speaks to me from His Word every day...sometimes it is encouraging and comforting, sometimes it is admonishment. He knows exactly what I need. I love that you have a Baby Grand piano. I would love to hear you play. I can't play the piano, but enjoy when others do. What a gift!!! Glad your granddaughter also enjoys it. That is really wonderful. Have a beautiful day my friend.

  3. Those memes concern me, too. I also worry about those believers who participate in the seemingly harmless quizzes about "what kind of year will you have" or "who were you in a past life." God tells us to avoid psychics and reincarnation is not of Him, but I see those things all the time along with the ones you mention. And all the ones that treat Him like Santa. A lot of believers are either not getting the whole message or they're choosing not to hear it and I believe God is running out of patience and won't give us much more time to get it right.

  4. No arguments from me, grin...hey, I was just reading about these meat shortages, scary times we live in. We are putting a container garden in, I know, we are talking about moving, but reality is IF we move, it wont be until fall or later. We HAVE to move, but with the situation of being shutdown and Cuomo not releasing us anytime soon...it is what it is, right?

  5. Good morning , my friend !
    Another thought provoking post !
    Before I moved here , a beautiful garden was tended...protected by a 6' fence to keep the deer out ! There was enough for us and more to share . Here is a very different story . This community doesn't permit a proper veggie garden ( although there is a community one not far away) . The soil was contaminated with Chlordane(sp ?) to kill the foundation ants years ago and is not fit to plant . Container gardens would seem to be the answer , but the competition from the HERDS of deer make it a severe challenge !!!...sigh...
    Wishing you good health and peace...

  6. Why would anyone debate you about YOUR faith on YOUR blog? If anyone is an expert on your personal beliefs, it's you, and if ever there was a place for you to express yourself, it's here.

    I keep meaning to give Midsomer a try. Last weekend, I like mysteries and could use a new one. Last weekend, I watched several episodes of Diagnosis Murder. I had high hopes but was underwhelmed. The plots were either too obvious or too convenient and Scott Baio was featured prominently and he's not exactly convincing as a doctor, or a sleuth, or someone who isn't reading cue cards. ;)

    1. Midsomer is great if only for the scenery sometimes but, the plots are pretty interesting.

    2. Why would they debate me? Self righteousness is rampant on YouTube, Facebook, Blogger and Twitter.
      People foaming at the mouth to find fault with your opinions and make themselves feel superior. Hence the disclaimer. Won't work though, useless as some are always offended.


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