z Cottage by the Sea : No Food Today
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Thursday, May 21, 2020

No Food Today

Sick of the no hair cut, no nails posts I see all over the place.
One said, "no haircut today again".  Oh boo hoo you simple minded spoiled woman.
Get your priorities straightened out.
Here is one I call... NO FOOD TODAY.
Too much of the world is self centered and privileged without a thought to what real life for millions is actually like on a daily basis. And while we have the right to enjoy blessings, let's not whine about them.
No food today.. or tomorrow.


  1. I feel exactly the same. People are so self-centered, it's all me, me, me.

  2. Oh oh...I am one of those self centered, well, not really...But I have been complaining a lot.

    It saddens me, the topic of hunger. NO ONE should go hungry, period. I agree with you Ann, too much privilege and self centerness.

  3. This is so heartbreaking. It certainly does help put things in perspective when we see such extreme hunger and poverty. May God forgive us and help us to be more loving and compassionate. We really have no reason here to complain.

  4. You are so right. I was just talking with hubby this morning about how blessed we are to have a home and plenty of food and clothes. We are so much better off than most of the people of the world. It's just so hard to know that so many people don't have a place to live and don't have food to eat. We are truly blessed and should not complain. Thanks for the reminder.


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