z Cottage by the Sea : Summertime
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, June 22, 2020


Auto post failed but Tuesday 4 is now up. Sorry about this.
 Today's meme is Summertime!

1. What activities did you enjoy as a kid in the summer?
bike riding, horses, surfing, swimming
2. Did you go on vacations? Where did you go?
Not vacations.. we went on 2 of them when I was very young to the shore at  Wildwood and Cape May where we liked walking the Promenade and visiting the Victorian seaside mansions.
I still love going for day trips and almost bought a B&B there. 
3.Do you have a favorite summer time dinner? Share it with us please?
I like Tuna fish with apples, celery, onion, balsamic vinegar, mayo and dill weed on a bed of lettuce, tomato and cucumber.
4.How often do you sit outside and enjoy an iced tea or coffee?
                                                    Whenever I can! I like sitting by the pond or by the bay.


  1. I would go to the bay everyday if I was there. But of course that is easy to say and then life happens. I am sure the pond is relaxing. The tuna salad sounds really good!

  2. Oh yes, I'd be outside all day, every day if I lived where you do. I love the eastern shore! I've never been to Cape May, but have friends who love it. They bought a beach house, but I'm not sure if it's in Cape May or just very near it. I think they will retire there based on how much time they are already spending there.

  3. I enjoyed your answers.
    Have a good Tuesday.

  4. Wail……..I wanna come sit with you. smiles. I think you would have to kick me out, I love the bay and ocean. Unfort. my husband doesn't, hence why we stick with the mountains. When we lived in Vero Beach the salt air and sand use to get on everything, he hated it. grin

  5. The Shore feels like home . I grew up within sight or a short walk of the water and love it to this day ! A precious pleasure (seldom experienced) is to drive to the ocean and smell the salt air...so intense you can taste it in the back of your throat...while comforted by the soothing sounds of surf and gulls...warm sand in between my toes...aaaahhhh...
    Time for a field trip , my friend !!!

  6. We used to go to the beach quite often in the summer when I was growing up. It was an all day excursion, and I'd come home quite cooked!!!Too fair of complexion for staying in the sun that much. I enjoyed your answers. Did you really surf? I tried it a few times, but didn't quite get the hang-10 of it! LOL. You are blessed to live near the seashore. I can just smell the salt air. Delightful.

  7. Wow, your childhood had some excitement to it! Your tuna sounds delicious. Thanks for the questions this week.

  8. I love day trips even more than vacations. Guess I like sleeping in my own bed at night lol. Your tuna reminded me of a Waldorf chicken salad that I love and haven't made in years. I'm adding it to next week's menu plan for sure. Have a great week! :)

  9. We love tuna fish also, not so much with apples. My momma used to put apples in her tuna but she would always save me a bowl on the side without them. It's nice that you sit out by your pond or the bay, I always enjoy the pictures you share.


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