z Cottage by the Sea : The Art of Nature...
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Art of Nature...

A beautiful week, weather wise, comes to an end. How is the weather near you?
Here it has been cool, dry and breezy which I think is perfect weather.
 Photos below are all from my neighborhood, which I rarely leave.
I painted lightning into the first one to add some drama to a story sky.

"Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather."  — John Ruskin

"Come forth into the light of things
Let nature be your teacher"—William Wordsworth

"The air soft as that of Seville in April, and so fragrant that it was delicious to breathe it."— Christopher Columbus
"The earth laughs in flowers" —Ralph Waldo Emerson
One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.— William Shakespeare

"Nature is the art of God" —Dante Alighieri
  Joining  with  Friday photos and Skywatch Friday


  1. Magical photos!

    Esha (visiting from #Skywatchfriday!)

  2. Lovely photos ! Clever you , to pair so perfectly with quotes !
    So nice to see Mr.Froggy in the last one...for a frog , he's quite a ham !!!
    Wishing you all good things , always , my friend

  3. So beautiful and peaceful. When walking from our house to our daughter's, I pass a neighbor's wisteria growing on a fence. I have to stop and admire it every time. Lovely.

  4. Beautiful, Ann...here, the weather is warm and humid. Yesterday evening a storm came through, but it just left it sticky out. smiles

  5. Beautiful...love the wisteria and roses...and the pond and the skies and the fake lightning! Would rather have that kind than the real kind! LOL. Such beauty surrounds you, I wouldn't leave home either!

  6. Lightning may be our Fourth of July fireworks this year. Glad you can make fake lightning. Oh my gosh, you can experience the 4th of July all year! The dogs and babies will be happy a silent day. I loved the wisteria and roses. Have a wonderful weekend being creative. Stay safe.

  7. What a wonderful neighborhood to live in. I enjoyed your photos and the quotes.

  8. Your light painting skills are really impressive. Love that first photo!

  9. Love your header !
    Each one evokes a mood...so lovely !
    Wish I had your talents !


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