z Cottage by the Sea : Love Boat
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, July 24, 2020

Love Boat

R    ain storms are the order of the day as I write this on Friday. It is raining, it's pouring, its  thundering, it's lightning. It's great but ,of course, my roof is leaking in the office here.
  I like days like this and being safe and cozy inside. I enjoy watching outside as the rain splashes into the water.  It is dark out at 11 AM.  My little weather station on the bottom of this page says Saturday will be partly sunny. We shall see.....

Now for this week's meme.
  Saturday 9 , hosted by Sam Winters, theme this week : The Love Boat (1977)

Here's the song:

1) The Love Boat ran from 1977 to 1987. It was in the Top 10 for seven of those 10 seasons. Are you familiar with the show? Were you a fan?
Yes it was entertaining.
2) Every week, viewers followed The Pacific Princess as she set sail to a glamorous destination. Have you ever taken a cruise? If so, where did you go? 
 Around Norfolk, Virginia on the Spirit of Norfolk.

3) Gavin MacLeod played Captain Steubing. Born Allan See, he came up with the stage name by combining the first name of a fictional character he admired, and the last name of a teacher who influenced him. Using his formula, give yourself a stage name. For example, Sam would be Hermione Hart (Hermione from Harry Potter; Hart for her Kindergarten teacher).
  I suppose I will choose my French teacher for 4 years and Miss Jane Marple and call myself Jane Masterson.

4) After the series ended, Fred Grandy (aka "Gopher") went on to become a Congressman from Iowa and then CEO of Goodwill Industries. If you had a bag of gently-used items to donate, where would you take them?
Habitat for Humanity.

5) Ted Lange is best known for his role as the ship's bartender, Isaac. But he began his career performing the classics, and appeared at Colorado Shakespearean Festival and London's Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. Let's class up this joint. Give us a little Shakespeare.c
We had Shakespeare from 7th grade to 12th and had to learn one or two soliloquies a year.
"Two women placed together makes cold weather." from Henry VIII

6) Bernie Kopell played the ship's doctor, Adam Bricker. Kopell first appeared on TV in 1961 and was a regular on Get Smart and That Girl, and he's still acting today. But Love Boat was, by far, his favorite role. Working on the show was "absolute heaven" because he was paid to travel the world and meet his acting idols, like Oscar winners Greer Garson, Joan Fontaine and Eva Marie Saint, who appeared on the show. When you think of the best job you have ever had, what made it so good: the pay, the location, the people you met, or the work itself?
  I didn't have a best job. I worked for the money and didn't like any job I have had.

7) Lauren Tewes played Cruise Director Julie McCoy. Today she lives in Seattle, appearing in local theater and -- between acting assignments -- working as a chef for a catering service. Have you hosted dinner for more than 8 people? If yes, do you remember what you served?
Yes. I have  at showers and of course holidays.
 I served so many different things... at one shower for 16 people I served Beef Stroganoff with rice and veggies, then cake for dessert.

8) For the first nine seasons, the theme was sung by Jack Jones. The Grammy-winning singer says one of his career highlights playing Sky Masterson onstage in Guys and Dolls. In his late 50s at the time, had had to go outside his comfort zone, dancing and acting as well as singing before a live audience. Tell us about something new you tried recently.

I guess it would be watching different things on YouTube than I usually have.

9) Random question  -- Which would you rather receive as a gift: one $500 wristwatch, or five $100 wristwatches?
I would not want either one.


  1. I guess many people work in jobs that they really don't like, but it pays the bills. The Spirit of Norfolk looks like a nice cruise to be on.

  2. I cruise around my little pond on my kayak...does that count? LOL. And I guess that would also be something new I tried recently...paddling my kayak around the pond. Yes, I suppose most jobs are just a way to make a living and we are grateful for whatever we can find. I've had some doozies. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. You have been on my heart all week long.

  3. The episode I remember most is the one with John Ritter who has boarded the ship to spy on an ex-girlfriend. "What's the matter, honey, haven't you ever see red hair before??" 😂

  4. Jane Masterson is an awesome stage name! Six years of Shakespeare?? I sense another soul who went to a private school. Public schools might have a Shakespeare section one year or another, but never that in depth.

  5. Great answers. Hey, I commented on the emails, sent like 2 back, just so you know...Have a great day friend.

  6. I enjoyed today's post !
    You went to a very fine school ! Mine didn't offer Shakespeare...a bit of Latin and French...nothing out of the ordinary . It was so small (out in the rural countryside) that there were as many seniors graduating as the year in which the deed was done !!!
    Have a satisfying day , my friend !

  7. We read one play every year from 9th grade through 12th grade.

  8. I kind of felt the same about #9. I do wear a watch though. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.


  9. I enjoyed English literature best in high school. Thankfully each year there was a new level even if it was named something different..Of course, Shakespeare was highlighted as well as the masters of prose and poetry I suppose that is why I so love the TV period productions of the classics so much!!! Sadly, the youth of today read more contemporary stuff which many times is quite disturbing!


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