z Cottage by the Sea : Tuesday 4
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Tuesday 4

A Matter of Time

Welcome to Tuesday 4, a collection of 4 questions each week. It is kept up in honor and memory of our dear friend Toni Taddeo, the founder of the meme.

Let's discuss time!
1. Are meals eaten at certain times in your home or are they more spontaneous?
When my family was around they were at specific times but now, alone, I eat when hungry.
2. If you attend religious services or club meetings, are they morning, afternoon or evening? Are there advantages/disadvantages to that time?
Religious services are in the morning. I don't like doing formal things in the morning.
3.Are you in bed and up in the mornings at a regular time each day?
No, my days are no longer regular. I would like to make them regular again but it's not always possible.
4.Do you set apart specific times during the day or week to do certain things like study, shopping, laundry, visiting?  
For me, its not possible as spinal pain gets in the way. My plans are subject to change at the drop of a hat.
Isn't the rabbit cute? I found him online and put the words from Alice in Wonderland on the banner. I just think he is so adorable.
Do you remember the song from the movie?


  1. "I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date..." Sorry, I am late for Tuesday 4. Kind of running behind this week already because we have a lot of "stuff" going on with some repairs and projects at the house. As far as times go, my hubby likes to stay on a routine schedule for meals and bedtime, etc., so unless we have unexpected (or planned) other activities, we pretty much stay on schedule. Mealtimes especially. Once you get into a pattern of eating at a certain time every day, your tummy tells you when it is time to eat. LOL. But I do understand about pain and physical issues that sometimes change the routine out of necessity. I have been adapting to certain changes since my surgery in the spring. Things are finally becoming more normal for me, or I am adapted to my body's needs and have made it my "normal". Enough said. Anyway, speaking of time, it's time to go put the wash into the dryer. Laundry is one of those things here that seems to be perpetual. Have a blessed day my friend. Thank you for doing this.

  2. We all know I thrive on a routine, unfort...we have been off kilter for awhile now. I am blaming this never ending shutdown. ANYWAYS, have a great day friend. smiles

  3. I like your questions.
    I'm glad you are keeping Tuesday4Meme going.
    I enjoyed your answers.
    Have a great Tuesday my friend.

  4. Yes, that is a very cute picture of the rabbit. I always have to cut out pictures so the text will fit into my blog, I am not sure why I have so much trouble. This is when I would email Toni and ask her for help. I sure do miss her. Thanks for the Tuesday 4! Loved your answers! Have a great Tuesday!


  5. Pain sure does have a way of changing the plans. Praying you have more good days than bad. Thanks for sharing the clip. I not only remember the song, I have a habit of singing it when I'm running around like a crazy woman because I'm late or worried about being late. Happy Tuesday!

  6. I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date! No time to say "hello", "goodbye"! I'm late! I'm late! I'm late! ~ I love Rabbit and his song. I also love the graphic you chose, cute, cute, cute.

  7. I hurt just reading about your back. I have had 12 spine surgeries, and I always have psychotic pain. Recently it's bad. I wish you all the best!

    1. Thanks Bud.. same to you. I had one big spinal surgery but I think more may be in store. Its no fun at all. All the best my friend.

  8. I usually eat when I'm hungry. Wouldn't it be nice to live our regular lives again? My plans change too because of my COPD. Good days and bad days, have to work around them. Yes the rabbit is adorable.

  9. Sending wishes for good health , safety and joy to all !
    Oh , my ! I'm late !!! Have to blast off NOW !!!


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