z Cottage by the Sea : This is Halloween!
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, October 31, 2020

This is Halloween!


Happy Halloween friends!

 Saturday 9: This Haunted House (1964)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here. (be warned ..it's an awful song)

1) Loretta Lynn wrote this song to help her cope with the sudden death of her friend, Patsy Cline. When they first met, Patsy was already a star and she helped Loretta become established. Did you more recently advise or receive advice?     Advise

2) She sings that Patsy's is the face she sees when she turns out the light. Do you remember who or what you were thinking about when you fell asleep last night?          Yes I do 3) Loretta maintains her TN ranch is haunted. She says "the moaning woman" is a harmless apparition, dressed in white. Do you believe in ghosts?                   Nope.

"For the living know that they will die,but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward, and even their name is forgotten.   Their love, their hate and their jealousy have long since vanished;   never again will they have a part in anything that happens under the sun."

4) Loretta Lynn's ranch is now open to the public. In addition to horseback riding, fishing and camping, Loretta's ranch features shops that sell locally-sourced jams, jellies and sauces, as well as Loretta Lynn CDs and "Coal Miner's Daughter" glassware and t-shirts. Have you ever brought home an edible souvenir? Or do you prefer to remember your trips with something more lasting, like a coffee mug or t-shirt?  I don't like clutter and it ends up being clutter.  Clutter is chaos. 

5) According to Reader's Digest, The Exorcist is the scariest movie of all time. Have you seen it, and if so, did it scare you?  I think movies like that are junk.
6) Which do you find spookier: haunted houses or cemeteries? Neither are spooky. 

7) What's the most recent Halloween costume you wore? None
8) When you were a kid, did you trade your Halloween candy with siblings or friends?  No
9) Random question: You meet your very friendly new neighbor. She invites you over for a "get acquainted" cup of coffee tomorrow afternoon and you accept. Then you learn that she was once on trial for an axe murder ... but acquitted. Would you still go over to her house?
Get the town up in arms and run her out of town like in this short movie clip (lighten up folks)


  1. Your Decor is great! And yes, the Exorcist was a junk movie. 🎃🍁 👻

  2. Not a fan of the horror genre .
    Well , okay , Creature Features in the 70's was pretty funny...especially when the "monster"
    ( the plastic dinosaur) was moved from scene to scene by a very visible human hand !
    No need for horror films...human nature can be scary enough !
    Have a booo-tiful day !

  3. I hate horror movies. My kids went through a phase of them. I had to leave the room. Good scripture choice! I don't believe our souls are left to wander here on earth, either. Enjoy your day, Annie!

  4. We don't celebrate Halloween.
    I enjoyed your answers.
    Have a happy Halloween however you do or do not participate my friend.


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