z Cottage by the Sea : Sat 9.. Santa Baby
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, December 11, 2020

Sat 9.. Santa Baby

Saturday 9: Santa Baby (1987)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.      I have linked to Kylie Minogues version which is far superior and cuter.

1) In this song, Madonna refers to Santa as "baby," "honey" and "cutie." What's the most recent endearment someone called you?
Well, I don't really hear endearments from anyone so.. its been years and years probably.

2) At the top of her list are a fur coat, a new convertible and a yacht. If you could receive any of those luxury items, which would you choose?     I suppose the yacht!

3) She would like to decorate her tree with ornaments from Tiffany's. Do you have a favorite holiday ornament or decoration?     The ones made by children or given to me by children.

4) "Santa Baby" was written in 1953, before electronic payments. While her wish list includes blank checks, a 2017 survey revealed that 51% of consumers felt check writing was "a pain." Who received the last check your wrote? Who most recently gave you a check?  No one's given me a check but I did pay a small bill with one. Seems people are exceptionally lazy today when writing out a simple check is a "pain".

5) Madonna has been a successful singer for decades, and 1985's "Into the Groove" is her top-seller. What's your favorite Madonna song?     I don't have one. I am just not a Madonna fan at all.    

6) Madonna was born in Bay City, MI, and traveled to New York City to find fame and
fortune. When she first arrived, she supported herself by working at Dunkin' Donuts. What's your standard DD order? 

   I don't go to Dunk Donuts(or any fast food or coffee shops). I do buy their flavored coffees at the grocery store though.  I like Cinnamon Bun, Pumpkin Spice and their Hazelnut.

7) The only Christmas card Sam has received so far this year is from her dentist. Have you received many cards this year?        No I have not received any Christmas cards at all.

8) Will you wrap many presents? Or do you prefer to use gift bags?      I will wrap what gifts I give, but there won't be many.

9) Madonna recorded "Santa Baby" to benefit The Special Olympics. Here's your chance to plug a cause or organization that's near and dear to you.         St Jude hospital for Children.  Most charities are bogus, even huge ones that are very famous. St Jude's is not.


  1. Good Morning , my friend !
    Thank you for always providing something nice ( informational , thought-provoking , beautiful...) for us !It is a delight to visit here !
    ...by the way , your card is in the mail !!!

  2. I enjoyed your answers today.
    We give to St. Jude's too.
    Have a good Saturday my friend.

  3. St. Jude’s is a great choice. Four stars on Charity Navigator. https://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm?bay=search.summary&orgid=12847

    I like Dunkin’s French Vanilla coffee

  4. St. Judes does have one of the best reputations for charities. I generally give to charities closer to home, run by people I know, or at least know of.

  5. Well, you will be receiving a card, smiles. I hope you have a beautiful day friend. smiles

  6. We give to St. Jude as well. It is a good one. Loved your answers! Have a great weekend!


  7. We'll be giving gift cards or cash this year. St Jude is a wonderful cause, a donation to them is well spent. Enjoyed visiting with you today, Merry Christams!!

  8. I like her voice, this Madonna, but not her persona. Once I read how arrogant she was and heard her disparage Lady Gaga, that was it for me. St. Jude’s is a great charity.

  9. That is a great charity. I am not surprised you chose a yacht. Have you been sailing in your area in the past few years?

  10. P.S. -
    The Churchill video brought goosebumps and tears...well worth the time to experience it !
    Thank you so much for posting it...the encouragement and resolve given are most pertinent today...

  11. I hope you are not sick. I was down for 2 weeks, one week with a fever. Take care!

  12. I have two monthly bills that get checks. Otherwise, it's online. I prefer to wrap gifts. So pretty and colorful. Gift bags are okay for birthdays and the like but for Christmas it has to be pretty wrapping paper. I have received a few Christmas cards but didn't get any out this year. I'm going to send a note after Christmas to those who sent a card to me.

  13. Just checking up on you, Annie. Are you doing okay? People missed the Tuesday 4 blog today...hope you and your family are okay...


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