z Cottage by the Sea : Valentine's Day

Monday, February 8, 2021

Valentine's Day

 Welcome to Tuesday 4. I am sure  Toni would be so pleased you are here.

Let's talk about St. Valentine's Day.

1. St Valentine paid for the weddings of poor girls. Today weddings can cost a fortune. What do you think about wedding expenses?

It seems that lately wedding receptions take on too much importance and get too extravagant. The marriage takes a back seat in a way.    I wonder given all the hype if they marry for family and love or for the fun of the day.  I am also not pleased with the immodestly of the wedding gowns today.

2. Do you or did you send Valentines to people? As a kid in school everyone gave them out to the whole class.

3. Do you find Valentine's day to be romantic? Well it isn't for me since no one ever celebrated it with me or sent me a card etc. and I don't have any one who loves me.

4. Do you do anything special for Valentine's Day with partners or family?  No I don't. My father did though and I will post my annual Valentine's day post here in the coming days.

Happy Valentine's Day folks.


  1. Hi Annie:
    I really enjoyed your answers.
    Surely there is someone who loves you if you just think about it. (It doesn't have to be a husband).
    Have a great day.

  2. Thank you for continuing this to honor Toni...interesting questions and answers !
    There is a part of a woman's heart that , even when loved by others , yearns to be loved by
    a special someone .God's love always comes first , but the love of a physical kindred spirit person
    is hoped for and deeply missed , when absent ...speaking from experience .

  3. So, that's the story of "saint" Valentine? I didn't know that. Guess I'm not really a romantic person. I prefer kindness, generosity and honesty to Hallmark moments. I've been that way since I was old enough to be cognizant of life.
    I don't know why someone wouldn't want to love and cherish you. That's their loss!! You're so talented, smart and love God very much. Isn't it wonderful that we know that Jesus loves us forever and ever. He's the best "valentine" a girl could ever have. Sometimes that just has to suffice until we're with him for eternity.
    Blessings. xx

  4. I love the old Valentine images you posted. I had a doctor that had several of those hanging on his wall. Imkept myself from being nervous by reading them.
    I think weddings are too extravagant too. I watch the girls getting ready for prom these days though and no wonder they have to have everything so perfect. Loved your answers! Have a nice week!


  5. Cute images here! I didn't think to do that when I did my entry. I agree regarding the modesty of wedding gowns these days. If I was younger and looking for one, I'd probably have mine made.

  6. It is apparent you have a very loving heart. You created and posted this very dear post and valentine's day is not a day for romance, but all kinds of love.. I hope people are not judgmental about the weddings people give.. I think it all boils down to what is possible, we didnt get in debt for the wedding we gave Amanda. We did get caught up wanting to please everyone and sometime the two families coming together have differing expectations. We felt start out the wedding ongood foundation was important and we enjoyed what we did. HUbs never wavered in his desire to give AManda the wedding we did.. at the end of the day we all look back on it with joy for the happy couple!

    1. Yes, I think it is important for parents to know they gave a lovely wedding for their children! I know my parents did for me. I just wonder about some of the super expenses and debt families go into for the day when a more modest take would suffice.

  7. I've learned something today! I did not know that about St. Valentine. That was pretty awesome of him to do. Aw, Anne...you might not have a "romantic" Valentine in your life, but I am sure you have plenty of others who love you.

  8. You are loved by so many! A Valentine isn't the only expression of love! If it is, we'd all be in pretty sad shape. And the most important thing for us each to know is that we are loved with an everlasting love by God. He sent His love letter to us in His Word the Bible, and through His only Son, Who died for us. That is true love.

  9. Yes, I agree with everything Pamela said. I wish I lived close I would come give you a hug. God loves you.

  10. ...and I love you...I also know what you mean, grin. Have a great day friend.

  11. agree with Pam, without the love of my Heavenly father I do not know where I would be. Enjoyed your answers and surely somebody will come along who is the "right' one have a blessed week


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