z Cottage by the Sea : Better Now?
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, June 24, 2022

Better Now?

Happy weekend friends.             
Summer entered with a bang in most of the USA.  Here on the mid Atlantic sea coast its been beautiful with cool temperature, lovey salty breezes and some very nice rain.   A hotter summer is predicted though and I am not a fan of hot humid weather..  I would not like to live in a place with too many months of warm days. I would be so uncomfortable.  So many people I know have moved to Florida and though it is a nice place to visit, I sure would not want to live there.   I spent a summer there and that was just enough to hold me forever.  And I love the change of seasons so much.   Everyone has different likes and dislikes and levels of comfort though.
   I wonder how seniors cope in that heat since it is bad for the heart and the humidity aggravates arthritis, stenosis, any auto immune problem.     
 Warm climates with dry air are better for health. Places like Arizona and Nevada, Utah, California.   I enjoyed my time in Florida with my mother in law who lived on a big old canal on several acres of land in the Miami suburbs.  . She had built the house herself.  She was something else and a  Jill of all trades. There was nothing she could not do.    The house had a big old Melaleuca tree out back and royal palms out front that were very beautiful. The drive way was lined with  Night Blooming Jasmine and Crotons.     There was a lovely scent every evening.  I remember how she used Amway dish drops and how I liked the scent and its cleaning power so much.     Funny what we remember isn't it?     
My husband tried to take me to a famous Miami night spot but I didn't have my license with me and I have always looked far younger than I am. At 20 I looked like a baby.  So, I wasn't allowed inside.
 The summer was hot and humid but being 20, it didn't phase me at all. And, as long as there was air conditioning, things were fine.  I didn't like that the ocean was bath tub warm though or that the waves were so small.  Over all I just preferred my own beaches here.
  When I lived in Utah, while summers can get hot, the dry air is refreshing.  When you go up into the canyons, it gets so cool from the snow melting in the rushing streams. It creates a cold breeze.    We had  snowball fights in July in our shorts.   What wonderful times we had.
One of the reasons I love anthropology is that I very much enjoy seeing the differences in people and their likes, dislikes etc.  Fascinating for me. There is little that is as interesting as people.

I am joining in for Saturday 9 today.

Saturday 9: Better Now (2018)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Post Malone tries to assure his ex that he's better now … but he's not. He's still hurting. Have you recently told someone you were fine when you weren't?
 Sure. All the time. With chronic pain I am never alright and who wants to hear that?   No one including me!!    So I just usually say I am okay and leave it at that.
2) He and his girl were so close he introduced her to his extended family, and now his aunts and uncles wonder where she's gone. Have you remained close to an ex's friends/family?
 Yes I have.
3) He sings that he never meant to let her down.  What about you?  Have you recently encountered anything -- big or small -- that didn't live up to your expectations?
 Yes. I am sure this happens to people quite often.   

4) Post recently announced he will soon become a father for the first time. Do you know anyone who is currently expecting a baby?
No I don't.  People  don't seem to want children anymore.  Just dogs and cats. 

My reception took place here. Very beautiful place.
5) Before making it big as a musician, he supported himself as a wedding DJ. Think back to the last wedding you attended. Did
they have a live band or a DJ?
 DJ.  The only wedding I went to with a live band was my own.  
My father hired a nice orchestra who played every kind of music imaginable. They were wonderful.    Here is a photo from the  wedding venue .. Lovely place. 
6) Not satisfied being a successful musician, Post has branched out and introduced his own rose wine, Maison No. 9. Will you replenish your beer/wine/spirits this weekend?
 No. I don't drink really.    There is a party for the Famous Anonymous and The Little this weekend ..both graduated. Famous from university and little from 8th grade.. there will be spirits there but I will be happy with some iced tea!

7) Post Malone has more than 70 different tattoos. He designs them himself and is so into ink that he has tattooed his friends. Would you trust a friend or relative to do your body art (tattoo or piercing)? Or would you go to a licensed professional?
 Neither. I don't want tattoos.   But if I was interested I would find a professional.

8) In 2018, when this song was popular, Sears filed for bankruptcy. In the 1970s, Sears was known as the place "Where America Shops." As of 2021, there were only 23 Sears stores left. Did you ever shop at Sears, either at the store or through the catalog?
Yes I shopped at both the store and from  the catalog.  It's a shame what happened to them. 
I loved the Christmas Catalog.  Sears had great appliances and tools too!  Their house paint was very good.   I remember when Macy's had lovely lunch rooms with delicious tea and toasted English muffins.  The last time I had that was the night before my twins were born.
I almost went 9 months but a few weeks short.  I gained 25lbs with those twins and went home having lost it all.  With my other daughter I gained 18 lbs and lost it all before I went home.  

9) Random question: What's your favorite way to spend an evening at home alone?
I am alone every night now so how do I answer this?    I spend them lots of ways.

It's a tough life friends ;)


  1. #7 I will never get a tattoo. They might look good in your twenties but when you get old they get all wrinkly... Yuck. And if you don't like it you can never get rid of it.

  2. I loved the catalogs from Sears. I miss them. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend!


  3. I also gained 25 lbs with my twins, and lost every bit of it by the time we went home three days later.
    And loved your reminiscences about Sears. A lot of us miss that place.

  4. Another interesting post...Thank you !
    I actually worked for the local Sears when I moved into this area ! They did seem to have a lot of things , but I miss the catalog , too !
    Have a splendid day !!!

  5. I loved shopping at Sears and I still miss them. Most of my children's Christmas was purchased through their Christmas Catalog!! Enjoyed visiting today.


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