z Cottage by the Sea : Pets
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, October 31, 2022


Stormy day

ey there friends.. Tuesday and November has begun.
I sincerely hope good things will come from this new month.    
And, today is All Saints Day on the Christian calendar in remembrance of martyrs who died for their faith. If you celebrate, I wish you the best.

 Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 

Let's talk about pets okay?  Some people love them, some can't be bothered and some dislike them. Where do you stand?

1  Do you have pets?    I have a pond full with 70 beautiful fish.  They are not my "pets" but residents of the pond I provide for them, which, after all these long years is wild now.   They are not Koi but Shebunkin and Gold Fish many who are well over a foot long and over 20 years old.  They range in color from bright golden orange to deep gold and some are a lemony white color.

I dislike saying  I "own" pets.  No, I have shared my life with animals.   I didn't own them.

2. Did you have a pet growing up? Tell us about it please.

I brought home a black and white little cocker spaniel-Setter when I was in kindergarten. .  She was a wonderful dog and was with us until I graduated from high school.  I got into a fight over her  with a very ugly girl and kicked a rotten policeman over it too.    Don't worry, it was a righteous fight and I came out of it as the victor.     Evil did not triumph that day.     I will write about it later in the week.  I felt like a Crusader that day fighting the wicked infidels!      Both those evil people went down that day.    Her name was Buttons.    She looked similar to the black and white dog in the center left of the photo.   Throughout the years I've had dogs and cats.

3.  Are pets too much trouble, or , do you find neighbors pets to be a problem?

No.   I even like the sound of barking dogs especially at night.  I've had a few cats and dogs over the years that I loved very much.  My cats all lived well into their 20s.     My last dog friend, Brandy, a flat coat retriever passed away at age 15.

I am too disabled to take care of a pet  without help and now that I am alone, its too much for me.

4. Do you think dogs make good housemates, watchdogs? Do you think women living alone need a dog for security or companionship?

Dogs and Cats make good housemates and faithful friends.  Yes they make good watch dogs and I wish I could have one.

I hope you had a fun Halloween.   I had a lot of kids come for their treats.  I like to give out lunch sized bags of potato chips, Fritos and Doritos and the kids always love them.  I get a lot of  "Oh, wow.. this is great".
Have a lovely Tuesday and a wonderful coming month.


  1. Oh my goodness, your story of your puppy as a child is funny to imagine. Great answers.

  2. I had fish (indoor) when I was in college. I had a really big aquarium. One of my neighbors was moving and gave me his saltwater fish, so I had those too. They are so relaxing. When I was a kid, my Granie had a friend with a Koi Pond and I thought it was beautiful. That is neat you have outdoor fish. They are so beautiful. Loved your answers! Have a nice week!


  3. I have a pond full of fish too, although I can't see them unless they jump! We don't fish in the pond, but the Herons and Egrets do, and I know you don't like the Heron, but he is pretty to look at. We have wild birds that we feed, but of course we don't own them either. They are God's creatures and He sends them to us to cheer our days. There are squirrels too, and we feed them but not on purpose. They just help themselves, the greedy little critters! LOL. So those are our "pets". I enjoyed your story about your cocker spaniel and hope to hear the whole story soon. We can't manage having a real pet either. The cost of vet care is so expensive that we just can't afford it. If I were alone I might have a kitty cat. They are easier to care for than a dog, although I like dogs better than cats. Thank you for doing this again each week. You're the best!! Toni would be so proud of you!

  4. Hi Annie~ I really love your new header. I can tell that you painted it, it is just gorgeous! I love pets. A few years ago our old black lab, Cole, had to be put to sleep. It. Broke. My. Heart. I still can't think about him without crying. Dogs make wonderful watchdogs and most of them would defend you until the end, no matter how large or small. I would love to see the fish! I am just amazed at how long fish will grow in a pond...20 years, wow! Cats are another love of mine. I can't have them in the house because my husband and children are so allergic to them. Besides, I don't want to keep my animals outside, especially when it's cold or too hot. My lab was huge, but he was the best house dog. I loved hearing about your pets, and look forward to hearing...the rest of the story! Hugs, Barb

  5. I too wish I could have a dog even a small lap dog but it isn't permitted in my building. I could have a cat but since I don't really have time or energy for looking after it well I have put off getting another cat. They do make good companions too. I remember seeing your pond of fish. They look amazing.

  6. I wish I could have a dog for a pet but I don't have a fenced yard. Love your idea for the bags of chips. Did you save me one? Hugs, Diane


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