z Cottage by the Sea : Candy!
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, June 5, 2023


Tattybear and his goodies

 Another Tuesday has arrived bringing you another Tuesday 4 kept in memory of Toni Taddeo.    Let's discuss sweets.. candy, cakes, pies, pastries,  all manner of confections.

1. What are your favorite candies?
I love caramel and peanuts or almonds.  So, I like turtles, Snicker and things like that.

2.  What kind of pie, cake and pastry tempts you the most? 
Apple pie, lemon meringue, peach pie, Shoo Fly, Coconut cream, Chocolate Mousse pie.. like them all.
For cake it has to be Black Forest Cake.  That is my favorite.
Pepperidge Farm though, makes a frozen coconut vanilla cake that is really delicious.

3. How often do you have dessert? Or how often do you bake goodies?
Very rarely anymore. I used to make bread once a week and back a cake or pies each week but now I can't have sugar so I don't bake much anymore.   I do make my own pizza crusts and I do like to make Navajo Fry Bread every now and them.
German Black Forest Cake

4.  Your choice for dessert today:
  • New York Cheesecake
  • Tiramisu
  • Cannolis
  • Chocolate Mud Pie
  • Creme Brulee
  • Hot Apple Pie with Ice Cream
  • Churros con Chocolate
  • Big Brownie with hot fudge sauce, ice cream and whipped cream.     Which one are you picking from this menu?T
  • onight, as I write this, the big Brownie with hot sauce,etc. is what I would like.


  1. Oh my, the list is just too good. I can't remember when I ever had a Black Forest cake, but seeing that picture makes me think a very small piece would be good...but then again, I really can't eat chocolate cake unless there is a lot of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream to help dilute the chocolate! LOL. This was a "sweet post", Annie. Thank you.

  2. I make Navajo fry bread too! Not many people even know what it is but I lived on the reservation for a few years....long time ago and have always loved it. It always amazes me to find out the things I have in common with blog friends!

  3. Oh, Annie, it is just so dangerous for me to even consider your post!!! Especially that list you provided of your favorites. I haven't even dreamed of those things for years...! But I do dream!!!

  4. #2...those all sounds so good! I love desserts. Loved your answers! Have a nice week. ♥


  5. Yum, I haven't had a turtle in a long time. I agree, that Pepperidge Farm cake is delicious. Enjoyed reading your answers. Take care.

  6. I love turtles, especially the ones made by Esther Price and chocolate cake with chocolate icing is my favorite.

  7. I enjoyed your answers. I've never had a shoefly pie.


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