z Cottage by the Sea : Just a Few Photos
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Just a Few Photos

Skies have been dark and brownish orange for days now. We are warned to stay inside and the minor leaguw baseball game we were going to see was cancelled as it is too dangerous to be outside. Not only is the arson from Canada drifting down but New Jersey also has 2 forest fires of our own going. It is a mess.  We have found it necessary to have lights on all day long for several days now.      More than 50% of  New Jersey  is forest land.  Over 2 000 000 acres worth of forests cover the state so we are no strangers to forest fires.    I certainly am praying for Canada and for those under this awful curtain of thick harmful smoke.    Joining in with Skywatch Friday.
floating along the creek out back
Beautiful pre storm skies

NY City is across the water... a water taxi gets you there quickly


  1. I hope and pray the smoke dissipates soon. I can imagine it is causing a lot of distress for many people who don't have air conditioning and/or who have to work outside in it. We need rain here too as things are much too dry and fires could spark very quickly. Please take care!! Loved your pictures!!!

  2. We're getting some haze here in southern Ohio from the fires in Canada. Love your photos today! Hope you have a great weekend.

  3. beautiful images. So sad to hear about all those fires.

  4. I'm always forgetting that New Jersey has lots of forest.
    I hope you get a break from the smoke. We've been mostly spared thank goodness.

  5. Floating along the creek, how refreshing♥ Great pictures today!


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