z Cottage by the Sea : Diamond Girl
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Diamond Girl

Earthquake struck us here. Very unusual and this was pretty large for the east coast.  It was parallel to the UN Building in the city.    42 miles from epicenter on the 42nd parallel too. 
I've been through them before when I was living in Utah and up to a 6 in strength but this was very odd and powerful enough to move my computer chair with me in it. It moved the North American craton which goes to the New Madrid fault in Missouri which had one of the biggest earthquakes in history. So, its either a case of letting off steam or building up to something much bigger. This short video explains things and I think this concerns the whole nation actually.   A 6.8 struck the west Pacific and 6.2 in Japan.. something big is afoot.   Visit Dutchsinse on YouTube for more information as he tracks them worldwide and has a very accurate prediction record.  He warned of this 2 days ago.
  Be alert, be forewarned.    A quake in one place will effect other parts of the world.  This is traveling across the US.. be forewarned West Coats and be prepared.    Also the earthquake here was in Whitehouse Station, NJ.  Be concerned D.C. be very concerned.   
Tennessee is  next too as is Texas/Arkansas as this moves along and there is a big increase in seismic activity.


Let's do Saturday 9...
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This week's song is by Seals and Crofts, a pair of Texas boys who met when they both joined a local band called The Crew Cats. Have you ever visited The Lone Star State? If yes, where did you go?
I've been to Dallas and Forth Worth but that's all.
By Warner Brothers Records -
 dosrios.us, \
Fair use,

2) Lead singer Jim Seals compliments his girl by comparing her to a precious stone. What's the nicest compliment you have ever received? Who was it from?
I've had many nice ones .   I think the nicest one was written by my graduating class in high school to go under my picture in the year book. Everyone was to get a sentence or saying that described them.  Under mine they wrote "It is not necessary to light a candle in the sun."  

3) Diamonds are birthstone for people born in April. What's your birthstone? Do you wear it often?
The precious stone is the Topaz and the regular stone is Turquoise. 
4) In ancient times, Hindus believed diamonds brought good luck. Do you have a good luck charm?
No.  I never had things like that.
5) On the other hand, some believe that one of the world's most famous gems, The Hope Diamond, is cursed. 14 of its owners have died from unnatural causes. Those who possessed the diamond committed suicide, were murdered, tortured to death in prison, and even torn apart by dogs! If you received a beautiful piece of jewelry that was rumored to be cursed, would you be concerned? Or do you think curses are silly?
There is always a reason behind things but I don't think much about this kind of stuff.
6) Rare diamonds share an element with the common pencil. Both contain graphite. Sam is crazy about pencils, pens and felt-tip markers. Do you enjoy shopping for office supplies?
Yes, I do like stationary and pens/pencils a lot!
7) In 1973, the year this record was popular, Shelley Hack was a hard-working and well-paid model. She regularly appeared on the pages of catalogs, on magazine covers and then launched Revlon's popular Charlie cologne in print and on TV. What commercial have you seen recently? Did you watch it on TV, online or on your phone?
My mother wore Charlie. Latest commercial was for 8 Sleep which is some kind of mattress cover. It was on YouTube.

8) Also in 1973, Motown great Stevie Wonder was in a car accident that left him with a scar on his nose. Tell us about how you got one of your scars.
I have a very long scar on my spine from the middle of my back down to the tail bone. .  It came from spinal surgery.      I am titanium! 
9) Random question: What's your perfect day -- weather wise?
 #1  Is a chilly, breezy autumn day  
# 2  Is a warm summer night by the water.


  1. One thing I will disagree with, I don't think DC is concerned about the weather/earthquakes etc... they are too busy scamming the people over this or that. I like the Dutchsinse and many others, smiles. Have a beautiful day friend.

  2. #2...that is lovely to say about someone.
    #9...that sounds nice.
    I am glad you are ok from the earthquakes. That was so weird to hear about. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend. ♥


  3. That earthquake sure was strange. I saw some pictures taken from security cameras of the Statue of Liberty and other places, and that had to be scary for people. Our world needs to be paying attention...There's a lot going on behind the scenes that many do not realize. I enjoyed your other answers. I love what they wrote about you in your yearbook. That was really sweet. I hope you have a lovely and unshakeable weekend.

  4. I do not like earthquakes and have experienced a 6.2 and several 4 & 5. There is a 6.7 in Landers Ca and were in Vegas. Scared the visitors there for sure. I thought of you when I heard it was NJ.

  5. I saw Seals and Crofts on Nov 12, 1971 in NYC!


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