z Cottage by the Sea : Summertime..Tuesday 4
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, July 1, 2024

Summertime..Tuesday 4

Tonight, Sunday night, we had a few thunderstorms come barreling through. Now the frogs are on my front porch singing and crocking.  They are super loud friends.   The pond out front is teaming with them.  They enjoy the rain but then after a bit like to come up and sit a bit on the porch.   They are loud from inside the house but when I open the door the decibels go sky high!     

 Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4  July is here and summer is underway.  

Let's talk about what July will bring for you.

1. What are you doing for the  4th of July holiday? If you don't celebrate what plans do you have that day?

I hope I can get to see the fireworks by the water. I love being by the sea at night. The breeze and scents are so wonderful.   I will probably get together with my friend/family and make some hot dogs/hamburgers and have fun. Alternatively, the rodeo is doing fireworks and we might go there.  Some car troubles night interfere though.  New Jersey has the longest and oldest running professional rodeo in the nation. Yes, NJ is not what you imagine it to be.

2. Are you planning a holiday , get away or just day trips  this summer? Where will you go?  What will you do?

I am hoping to go to Cape May for a day because the Little has never been there.  It is at the very end of NJ peninsula and the oldest ocean resort in the USA. It's Victorian and lovely all year round.   To see my posts on Cape May just type Cape May into the search bar on my sidebar to the right and they will all pop up. There are lots of photos there.

Milk shakes!!

3. Do you  like to go out for ice cream in summer or do you just eat it at home? What flavor and what brand gets your endorsement?

I like ice cream in summer very much but also I seem to
want it a lot in winter.  My favorite is vanilla.  I think Breyers makes very good ice cream.

4. What activities are most enjoyable for you in the summertime? travel?  reading? movies? gardening? beach time?   

I like to be by the ocean or the bay especially in the evening when the breeze is so special.  

If you are reading, do you have some books chosen?   I think I might try to read one of the popular Mitford series.   I read one and  was bored by it but maybe I should try again.  I really would like a series set in New England. Maybe it is also time to read Early Autumn by Robert Parker again. There are several books I read and reread over and over again. Early Autumn is one of them.

Some books I reread often:  Summer in the City by

Happy Independence Day! 

Candace Bushnell author of Sex and the City.  Also Bushnell's  One Firth Avenue.

Danielle Steel's  44 Charles Street. 

Early Autumn by Robert Parker (Spenser for Hire series)

The Island by Elin Hiderbrand. Hilderbrand writes about the Nantucket area.

Agatha Christie's Halloween Party. 

I hope your July is extra special. 


  1. Hi Annie! I enjoyed reading your answers. I hope you have a very nice July and that you and your family enjoy a good 'ole fashioned 4th of July!

  2. Hi Annie, I love your header! Sounds like you will have a great 4th! I read a series of fictional historical books back in the 80's called White Indian series. It was about the different Indian tribes of the Northeast, and one tribe that raised a while child as an Indian. It had a lot of interesting things about living off the land and history of the time. Maybe you can find it in the library. Donald Clayton Porter is the author. Have a Happy 4th!

  3. New Jersey truly is full of surprises, Annie. I'm a bit envious of your living so close to the beach; I do recall those cool breezes coming from the ocean at night. Delicious!

  4. For some reason our area had the fireworks this past weekend instead of Thursday. I don't like that.
    When I gave up sugar I started having a bowl of unsweetened plain yogurt with frozen strawberries on top as a cold treat. It's so good.
    Hope you can make it to the events OK with no car trouble. It's nice having transportation but they can sure drain the pocketbook when there's a problem.
    Happy 4th! 💙

  5. I like vanilla ice cream also. I hope you get to go to Cape May. That sounds fun! Loved your answers! Happy 4th of July. ♥


  6. Love this header ! That cottage by the sea is my dream home !
    I'm hoping to spend the 4th with friends...we will be three generations of amazing women ! Oh , and love the food , too...lol...

  7. How marvelous to be able to see the fireworks by the water. That must be a heavenly sight. I hope you do get to go to Cape may with your Little. We loved it so much when we were there!

  8. I enjoyed your post. I read book one of the Mitford series, and got the second but I'm struggling to finish it.


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