z Cottage by the Sea : Winter Haiku
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Winter Haiku

Winter solitude
In a world of one color...
the sound of wind.
Matsuo Basho (1644-1694)                         

The snow of yesterday
That fell like cherry blossoms
Is water once again!
Matsuo Basho



  1. Hello! These were good visual thoughts! I can imagine the "snow of yesterday that fell like cherry blossoms is water once again" is how most of the south is today after their record breaking snowfalls yesterday! Or, they have turned to ice, because it is pretty cold again today! We didn't get any snow here, but we sure had a lot of rain, which our pond was happy to receive. Hope you are safe and snug as a bug in your house. Love your header picture! Have a blessed day.


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