z Cottage by the Sea : Ground Hog Day
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Ground Hog Day

February is a busy month of Violets, Amethysts, Presidents Day, Black history, St. Valentine's Day, Super bowl Sunday, and today which is Groundhog's Day.   I am going to try and address them all this month.
 My daughter went to religious school and wore a uniform which after leaving the bus she would often
Ground hog in the violets
hike up the skirt, since the skirts were a bit longer than current fashion.   To get around me she would come in the back door.   
This particular day she came through the back gate to see a big furry animal stuffing his face with left over baked ziti from the knocked over garbage can.  She screamed, he screamed, both leapt in the air in horror and without touching the ground ran to their respective houses.
Panting for air she said, "there's a beaver in the yard eating ziti!"
cedar creek
As I looked out he was already back at the can eating the ziti.  His little hands filled with it and his cute little face covered in sauce.   "I told you it was still good", my daughter said.  
And that is how we got to know Mr. Beaver.
  In later years I got to see his roly-poly babies playing in the yard. 
His descendants still live under the shed somewhere... there is a pathway hollowed out for forest traffic to and from the woods to my back yard.      Its a highway for fox, skunk, rabbits, bobcats, racoon , possums and ground hogs or woodchucks.   I feed them all my vegetable scraps and fruit that I am not going to eat.
I throw older apples into the forest for the deer.    They have water galore here as I am right by the bay and hundreds of little crystal clear cedar water creeks run behind me.    3 of them are right here on my road.   Cedar water looks like clear tea.  
Live in peace with your animal neighbors as much as you can.   Animals are put in your way for a reason friends.   You're job is to "dress and keep" the earth and that includes the animals.


  1. Such a great post, Annie. Wishing you a beautiful day.

  2. Oh, I love this! What a fun story! Yes, I throw out old apples, potatoes, berries, grapes, etc. in the woods behind the house for the possums and armadillos and birds and whoever else goes in there. Sadly we've not seen any deer here since when we first moved here. It's probably for the best because if they run past here and around the pond they will run into the highway on the other side of the trees beside the pond, so I am glad they don't run by here anymore. But we have plenty of birds, as you know, and neighborhood kitties who like our back porch a lot! One is out there right now taking a nap. Yes, I like what you said above about animals...

  3. It sounds like an idyllic place where you live, Annie. Yes, let us be respectful of every creature living in our midst, animal and human. Blessings!

  4. Smart groundhog , to know the joys of homemade ziti !
    Stay safe , well and warm !

  5. You painted a great picture of daughter and Mr. Beaver's meeting. I know it must have scared her but it made me laugh. Keep taking care of the animals as best you can, it's a good thing♥


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