From Tuesday 4:
Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4
"I came across this Photoshop that I did a few years ago in which I replaced Vivian Leigh's head with my daughters head. She is a huge Gone With the Wind fan.
It was an epic novel and a big silver screen hit ."
Here are my answers to Tuesday 4 questions:
1. Have you read the book or seen the movie Gone with the Wind and what did you think of it?
I've read it several times and enjoyed the novel. It is much more involved than the movie which cuts out a good portion of the story. I've also seen the movie many times and enjoyed it.
When she visited Atlanta for business she went to Margaret Mitchell's home and found it interesting. Mitchell was killed by a drunk Taxi driver while crossing Peachtree Street. She was only 49 years old. The driver was charged with murder. The driver, Hugh D. Gravitt was given 18 months is jail for involuntary manslaughter. Yup, that was it and he spent years complaining that he had to go to jail at all.
Driving drunk is like walking around with a loaded gun looking for trouble. He got off with no more than a slap on the wrist.
2; Which character was your favorite? If you didn't read it or see it. who is your favorite ficitional character from a book or movie and why?
I like Scarlett best. She was 16 years old when the story begins and turned herself into a selfless hero to save Tara.. and to her Tara was every single person on it.. Everyone was loved and cared for even at the expense of her own happiness. Melanie was weak but good and it was Melanie who saw the goodness of Scarlett when others did not.
Rhett the gambling rum runner, and pal of ladies of the night, had zero understanding of Scarlett.
He was not there for Scarlett when Bonnie died. He kept himself locked away in his room leaving Scarlett to grieve alone while he drank himself into a self absorbed stupor. He blamed her for things she never did and treated her horribly after their child's death. Frankly my dear, I'd have kicked his behind down the front steps.
Did he come back? I believe so. I think. his kind always make a reappearance.
And Scarlett? She would go on to make quite a good life for herself I think anyway. She was forged in the white hot fire of war time America and though fearful, Scarlett took the bull by the horns to succed for her family's welfare.
3. Are you a fan of big epic films like Dr. Zhivago, Gone with the Wind, etc." If not what kind of films do you enjoy the most?
I saw Dr. Zhivago a little while back. I had nevr had an interest in it as it looked boring to me. It was. I didn't like it and if I hadn't been watching with someone, I would have turned it off part way through.
Gone with the Wind I liked vry much. I enjoyed The 10 Commandments as well.
I also like film noir, cartoons, romances and western movie.
4. The Ante Bellum era is indeed gone with the wind. Is there an era in history that you are interested in or that you have a good deal of knowledge about? Perhaps there is an era you would like to learn more about?
I find the era of the Civl War very interesting.
Where did the south get all that money? Besides the terrorism and theft, they were being financed by nations like England.
Why weren't Lee and Jefferson Davis hung for the traitors they were? Foreign nations wanted an end to the USA and did all they could to divide the naiion to weakend it and make her easy pickings. England was salivating to destroy America. If it hadn't been for Czarist Russia we would have had a much more difficult time maintaining the Union.
. Russia sent both her naval fleets to guard our coasts from southern terrorist activity and bombings. At the time Russia was the world'a finest navy with state of the art weapons.
Interestingly enough those weapons were manufactured in Tennessee!
As the one Admiral told the south who were preparing to bome both coasts. if you bomb New York city or San Francisco, we will wipe you off the map. And they had the means to do it! You didn't learn that in school did you?
Lee and Davis walked away extremely wealthy. The bank robbers who plundered the mid west for gold for the Confederacy continued on into the old wsst began the crime sprees that went on into the 1930s robbing banks and murdering for money . Cole Younger, jesse James, Mosby's rangers, Quantrill's Raiders.. murdering thugs who robbed banks and killed civilians for their money all began by stealing money to support the confederacy.
Much of the gold from the confderecy is missing to this day. A lot of hanky panky was going on down there and the whole operation was as shady as can be.
The documentaires cover none of this and so I have a lot of questions about what was really going on. What I do know is that it was an attempt to destroy the nation.
"United we stand, divided we fall.".... Patrick Henry.