Saturday, November 17, 2018

Saturday 9 A Sentimental Journey

I do these because they are hard for me. I don't like to talk about things and feel that sometimes it is good to do that.
Saturday 9: Sentimental Journey (1945)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) Doris sings that she has her bag packed. Tell us about your luggage. Is your bag easy to spot on the luggage carousel?

I don't have any luggage anymore.

2) The release of this song coincided with VE Day, and so it meant a great deal to troops returning home from Europe. What song has sentimental value for you? Why?

There are a lot of them:
Snow Patrol's: Please Let This Go on Forever.

Melody of Love by Billy Vaughn. It was my Mother's favorite song. I can hear her singing it.

This song:Laura by Matt Munro because a certain fellow said the song always reminded him of me.
He called it  my theme song.

 3) As a young girl, Doris was passionate about dance. Concentrating in the studio and performing on stage helped distract her from heartache and embarrassment over her parents' divorce. When you want to escape from what's troubling you, what do you do?

Play games or  do puzzles. When I was able to, I ran.

4) Her dancing days came to an end when, at age 15, she was in a car accident and damaged her leg. During her recovery, she discovered how much she enjoyed singing with the radio, and was delighted to find others enjoyed hearing her. Tell us about a time you unexpectedly found happiness or success.

When I found I could paint pictures and it makes me happy.
When I found out I was good at sports.

5) She moved from singer to actress in the late 1940s and was a major movie star for 25 years. She was paired with the most popular leading men of her time -- everyone from Clark Gable to Frank Sinatra to Rock Hudson. If you could share a kiss with any actor or actress, who would you choose?

Yuk, None of them. Hollywood just makes me cringe.

6) 1968 was a terrible year for Doris. First, she suddenly became a widow. Then she discovered that her late husband and his business partner had squandered her money and she had to file for bankruptcy. Oh, wait! There's more! She also found that, in his role as her manager, her late husband had, without her knowledge, committed her to a weekly TV series. Do you have a 1968? What year you can point to and say, "Wow, I'm glad that's over"?

There are a few of them. I don't want to talk about them or dwell on it.

7) After retiring from show business, she became an advocate for animal welfare. She has said we should be more sensitive to the loneliness, sadness and guilt people feel when they lose a pet. Think of a time you were grieving. What words or gestures helped you through? Conversely, what's something no one should ever say to someone who is hurting?

No words or gestures helped me through anything . Words to me are often just that, words.
  I was helped by the example of  Mrs. Rose Kennedy.  I had to go find my own comfort.

And as for what not to say, "Don't worry you can have more children"  As if people can be replaced.
People mean well but they say the wrong things. Would you tell a widow that another man will be coming down the road in a day or so?

8) Doris' only child was her son, record producer Terry Melcher. Terry had a successful, years-long collaboration with The Beach Boys. Do you have a favorite Beach Boys song?

There are a few: "God Only Knows.","Fun, Fun, Fun", "Surfing USA"

9) Random question: What's one thing you've never done, but have always wanted to try?

Living in the Plaza Hotel like Eloise.  I have stayed there in a big suite and it was wonderful.
 I would love to live there for a bit.
Have a season pass to the Metropolitan Opera and attend an opening night.


  1. Oh that would be fun, living at the Plaza. smiles---hope you have a lovely day my friend. smiles

    P.S. How are you feeling?

    1. Sleepy is how I am feeling. I need tons of sleep but feeling a bit stronger now. It will be months before I know if it worked.

  2. Your answers to #9 are so glamorous! What a fabulous New York life you would have!

  3. I can see you at the Plaza...part sophisticated lady , doing all the cultural , lovely things you wish , close enough to taxi wherever you'd like to go...and yet...perhaps being a bit like Eloise , as through your days !
    Have a splendid day , my friend !
    Be well

  4. I feel the same about Hollywood, I do not want to kiss any of them either....gross!
    Ok only like a coupe of Beach Boys songs? I am crazy for the Beach Boys, how funny. I think they take me back to high school.
    I would like to live in a hotel too. I think it would be awesome. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend!

    1. No I like most of the Beach boys songs, but, I listed my favorites. :)

  5. Everyone should get to live like a rich person once in a while. :-) It sounds like you have lost a child. I am very sorry about that. (And believe it or not, I have heard people tell widows not to worry, "there's someone else out there just for you.")

  6. First, I hope you're doing well, dear friend.

    Also, that's one heck of a song to be dedicated to you by a man ;)

    And I love Doris Day... I'd pick Clark Gable for kissing (even with the bad teeth lol)... I adore the Plaza... and the beach boys. 'Wouldn't it be nice' is a song that brings back memories of being very young and in love... or what I thought was love ;)

    love to you!

  7. I could settle in to living in a hotel, with room service, someone to clean the room and make the bed!! Sounds good to me!! I enjoyed your answers. This was a fun Saturday 9!!

  8. I loved Matt Monroe's voice and "Laura" the song was one I used to sing a lot especially after seeing the movie with Dana Andrews and Gene Tierney. Every time it was on TCM I always had to see it. I agree with a lot of your answers Annie. Having a season pass to the Met would be number 1 on my bucket list even though I would never be able to have that one come true. Have a blessed day ahead my friend.

  9. My favorite Beach Boys songs were "In My Room", and "Little Surfer Girl", because I wanted to me a surfer girl in the worst way. I didn't live close enough to the beach to become one, however. I did try surfing, but was not very good at it. Living in the Plaza Hotel might be fun for a while, but I am not a city girl. I don't think it would suit me. I'd probably spend most of my time at the park. I loved Doris Day. She was spunky and tom boyish, a lot like me. I used to sing her song "Que Sera, Sera, whatever will be, will be, the future's not ours to see, que'sera sera." I sang that to a boyfriend in high school when he asked me about getting married someday...and after I sang that to him, he never mentioned it again. He married someone else, and so did I. LOL. Praying you will continue to regain your strength day by day. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones.

  10. Loved reading your answers. My suitcase has a red ribbon tied on it for easy visual. It's needing to be replaced so who knows what the ribbon will be on the next one! I have lots of favorite songs and musicians. From childhood, I was brought up listening to my mother's favorites - Harry Belafonte, the Kingston Trio, Frank Sinatra, Mel Torme, Frankie Laine.


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