z Cottage by the Sea : What's Your Favorite?

Saturday, July 6, 2024

What's Your Favorite?

Here we go with another Sunday, the first day of the week and time to do some Sunday Stealing
Stolen from these guys ^

1. What's your favorite animal? 
 I don't have a favorite animal really. but I suppose dogs and cats are high on the list
2. What's your favorite book? 
I think it would be Early Autumn by Robert Parker, part of the Spenser for Hire series.
3. What's your favorite color? 
I very much like the palest of yellow.  I also like greens and violet, the colors of a real violet and Pansies  My first home was done in deep green with touches of yellow and violet.  
4. What's your favorite dessert? 
It depends.  I like my grandmother's apple pie, I also like Creme Brulee, and a good  Napoleon.
5. What's your favorite drink? 
Iced tea is the top favorite.   If it's beer, which I might have every decade or so, it would be Sam Adams or Lowenbrau. If it would be a cocktail, an Old Fashioned and that is also very very rare if ever. I do like Brandy and Benedictine or Frangelico too but, really we are talking rare as to be almost nonexistent.
6. What's your favorite food? 
I have a number of favorites in this category from all over the world but to be very precise if I had to choose a meal I just seriously find comforting and wonderful it would be spaghetti with a serious meat sauce  or a French fried hot dog with beer soaked sauerkraut and mustard.    Okay.. I think over all I could get lost in some really good stuffed cabbage preferably Russian style.
7. What's your favorite hobby? 
Shelf vignette
When I think of hobbies I think of things like making model airplanes etc.  I don't have a hobby like that really and I don't really see collecting things as a hobby either.  In times I am not working or studying, I play piano or paint but again, I don't see those as hobbies either but as serious pursuits.
I would like to have the energy and wherewithal to make one of those shelf vignettes that you light up and tuck into your book shelves etc.  
8. What's your favorite movie?   
    Are you getting the feeling that I don't do single favorites?  I think this holds true for movies as well.    There are movies that I love to see over and over like Moonstruck, You've Got Mail, The Majestic, The Illusionist, The Desk Set, Adam's Rib, The Woman in the Window.. I like film noir.   I have watched Tornado with Bill  Paxton and Helen Hunt over and over.  I've watched almost every tornado movie there is.  I think it is because I survived an F4or 5 when I was nearly 4 years old.   I suppose it had an impact on me.

9. What's your favorite restaurant?   While I love  the old Delmonico's in NY's Financial district, which opened in the 1800s and serves steak like you never knew it could be, I have to say the Russian Tea Room in Manhattan is my all time favorite.    I am a big fan of Russian food.  The problem with them is a meal is a small fortune so while they are my favorites with the best food ever , when we eat out it is usually at a local Italian place where you are treated like family and is very affordable.     I just don't have money for 5 star restaurants unless I save up for a while and even then, nowadays we need our money elsewhere!   We can barely pay for our groceries!!  
Still, I am so grateful I have gotten to eat at those places.  What a huge treat it was.
Delmonico's is featured in the movie Life With Father. 
Below are photos of where I'd like to visit again having been to each once: :
 one room of the Russian Tea Room


Local Italian Restaurant/pizzeria
And to the left where I usually go when I get the chance. They always have festive colored lights up.. so cheerful.
Low prices, good food and treat you  like family.
But, if you can, go to a really nice place once in your life.   You are worth it.    

10. What's your favorite sandwich? 
       New Jersey tomatoes are considered the world's best because of our soil. On toast with mayo they are delicious.   I also like a Turkey Joe... sliced dry turkey on dark rye with melted swiss , Russian dressing and Cole slaw.    It is just like a Reuben really.     Philly Cheese Steak is also up there on the list and especially from the Italian kitchen in Bruce Willis' hometown, Carney's Point,  just south of me.   Oh they make a doozy.  He ate there a lot!
11. What's your favorite season? 
      I have tried to get away from that.  I watched everyone complain about the seasons rushing their life along unable to really enjoy where they are at the moment and I decided a while back to enjoy whatever weather came my way.    I've been doing well with it and even now enjoy the Dickens out of summer!  I am loving the heat, the endless huge dragonflies, the frogs and fish in the pond, the ocean.. all of the lovely carefree days of this season.    Still, there is a little more love for Autumn with the New England colors here.. screaming reds, fire oranges, neon yellow.. the warm mugs of tea/coffee, the lights in the late afternoon spilling out onto the lawn.  The frosts and chilly breezes.. the sound of crows
But then there are the silver skies of winter and the blue fallen snow all around.. I love them all now.

12. What's your favorite series?  
I think you mean TV? if so then I really liked One Tree Hill and Gossip Girl and later on  
Pretty Little Liars    Gunsmoke is great as is Perry Mason!  I tried to get interested in Yellowstone but  just didn't.  Maybe I need to give it another try. Blue Bloods is good.  Years ago I loved Spenser for Hire and then the Jesse Stone series.
If you mean books:  Spenser and Jesse Stone as well as Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot are tops with me.   
13. What's your favorite snack? 
   I like Kettle Chips and I buy the no salt version.   I am also a Popcorn freak with fresh butter and Brewer's yeast which I crave  because it is loaded with B vitamins.
14. What's your favorite sport to watch? 
  I am not into them really.      In High School  I loved wrestling. It takes strength and skill and I was fascinated by it.  I also liked basketball.   Ice hockey is also great.   I don't care much for professional sports as they are overpaid and not that nice.  Sometimes in fall I turn on a football game to remind me of my mother who loved it  (Giants) and  baseball in season (Yankees)
Toni Taddeo was a die hard like my mother and both of them loved going to Yankee Stadium for a game. Gotta love those fanatics!
15. What's your favorite thing to have for breakfast?
  Full English.. fried eggs, fried potatoes, fried bread, fried tomatoes. and mushrooms.
But forever and always French Toast with hot melted butter, real maple syrup and powdered sugar  is the creme de la creme of breakfasts for me.   It is most special when it is made with  thick slices of challah.
After writing this I think I really want to make a couple of those bookshelf scenes to put in my big bookcase.  I love the idea of illuminating them and having them look like entrances to a fairy world.


  1. Our answers were similar for several questions! I have never been to New York, but have heard of Delmonico's. I agree that everyone should be able to eat in a really nice restaurant at least once in life, though I know some people might not be able to afford it. We have just started watching Yellowstone. We watched episode four of the first season last night. The scenery is beautiful.

  2. 100% for French Toast, that is my way as well. Wishing you a beautiful day, Annie.

  3. My wife and I went to a pricey restaurant in Albany called Yono's for our 25th wedding anniversary in May. Totally worth it. I've never been tothe Russan Tea Room; maybe next anniversary. That said, I'd always have a nice reuben.

  4. I enjoyed your answers, Annie. Have a blessed Sunday!

  5. I've always wanted to go to the Russian Tea Room although I havne't been to NYC since 2008. We MUCH prefer Boston. :) Our youngest girl majored in Russian from 5th grade all the way to 12th grade and entered UNH with 8 russian credits. She started out as an honors russian major but dropped it down to one of her minors. So we hear Russian when she comes over. I have never had russian food but she did in NYC on a field trip.
    I couldn't choose just one book either nor one movie. I don't watch TV so any series I watch would have been from my single days in the 1980s (when I wasn't studying or doing grad work/teaching).
    We love Miss Marple here in my home! My oldest daughter texted me last summer and challenged me to read all 12 Miss Marple books in order by the end of this summer. I'm on #7. waiting for it to be free at the library. ooh...French toast described that way makes me wanna make it tomorrow AM. hahah
    Happy Sunday!!

  6. Lovely questions , answers and comments !
    Being food-motivated , it's difficult to choose one , but a fully ripe fresh peach is a creation to be savored...so many flavor notes , sweet and juicy ! Garlic and butter pasta ( angel hair) , with chicken Italian Sweet Sausage , peas , herbs and freshly ground black pepper is a go-to dinner choice . My favorite animal is my current cat , who is a very intelligent , sassy feline version of a kindred spirit human (only small and very furry ...lol).

  7. Spaghetti, yum. I haven't had a good spaghetti in years.


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