Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Hodgepodge and Dark Academia

Wednesday Hodgepodge... S'more

 1. What is one cliché you think is nonsense?     What's one you think holds truth? 
The lies:
Everything happens for a reason and there are no coincidences".  This one is total horse hockey.  Time and chance happen to all men and there are many coincidences in life. (from the Bible)
Truth:    Better to meet a bear robbed of her cubs than a fool bent on folly.(proverbs)
2. What's the last thing you broke and how did it happen? 
I rarely break things so I don't recall.  I do drop things and I did drop a pile of wet coffee grounds on the kitchen floor missing the garbage can completely.  In times past I would immediately clean it up but that smears it and makes a bigger mess.  Now that I am disabled I have to do things in a better way. So.. I let the grounds dry on the floor. Once they are dry I sweep them up easily.. no smearing.
3. Are you a fan of s'mores? Have you had a s'more this summer? Last thing you ate that you wanted to ask for 's'more of'? 
I've never tried a S'more but the dry graham cracker would ruin it for me. None this summer at all.
Last thing I wanted s'more of is my concoction of browned ground beef with garlic, onion, Italian herbs and either cream cheese or sour cream, pan seared tiny sweet tomatoes mashed in, served over Texmati rice.  More, more, more please. Oh.. and you can add some cheese on top too.

4. A mode of transportation you've never tried?   
Dirigible or blimp. 
Will you someday?   No, I will never fly in one thank you.  I am not far from the  town where the Hindenburg went down in flames.

5. Believe it or not, next week's Hodgepodge lands in a brand new month. What's your happiest memory from the month we're bidding adieu?
The warm sunshine of sunny days, the cool rain and chilly mornings.  The scent of the sea on the breeze, the sound of the seagulls over my house.

6. Insert your own random thought here.
 So many never heard of Dark or Light Academia décor!(see yesterdays post)
Here are some photos of Dark/Light Academia as promised.  English gentleman's home/club.. or think Harry Potter!

And some music:


  1. Enjoyed your answers! We do S'mores around the fire pit, the kids love them. The chocolate and marshmallows take away the dryness of the crackers. Your concoction sounds delicious, maybe some garlic bread on the side? August, a month where we could fry eggs on the sidewalk and bake bread in the mailbox, good to see it leaving! ☺♥

  2. Reading around the HP today I'm thinking of all kinds of transportation I have no desire to try. A submarine would be one. I've been on a sub, but not one underway. I would hyperventilate so fast I probably wouldn't survive. Hope you have a great day!

  3. I've always been attracted to that type of decor and the looks of those rooms. I like the Proverb you shared. Your setting with the sea gulls and sea air sounds delightful. Have a wonderful Labor day weekend.

  4. Okay, I see the "Dark Academia" furnishings...lovely. I prefer the one with the fireplace burning for myself. That would be most like me. What? No S'mores??? Oh my! You don't know what you are missing! Like Mary said above, the chocolate and marshmallows melted onto the graham cracker make it moist and oh so delicious! But probably the best part is that we usually eat them outside around a campfire, and roast the marshmallows in the fire. It's a time of laughter and fun and sticky fingers and totally delightful. However, your concoction sounds interestingly good too! comparison to a s'more! LOL. You are right, no blimp or dirigible for me either, or like someone else said, no submarine either. I tend to be claustrophobic, and a sub would be much too confining for me! Oh, good idea on waiting for the coffee grounds to dry before sweeping. That makes good sense! I may have to remember that the next time I miss the trash can with ours! It happens!!! Have a lovely weekend.

  5. Hello !
    Good questions , wonderful pictures and Absolute agreement with your answer for #5 !
    Enjoy !

  6. I enjoyed reading your post. Blimp, that's a good one!

  7. I've never ridden in a blimp or hot air balloon. The hot air balloon is on my bucket list!


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