Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Dark Academia.. Tuesday 4

Hello Friends! Here are my Tuesday 4 answers:

Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.  Toni loved to have people open their minds and think about things .. think into things.  Let's try that this week okay?      
 A popular trend in home décor and mood background music is called  *Dark Academia and it is based on novels set on old university campuses that have secrets, love affairs, mystery and the scenes and mood these novels evoke.    Velvet sofas, old books, Victorian wallpaper, deep high back chairs, antique photos and paintings,  candles, romantic lighting and classical music are all part of it.

1. Does this picture evoke any feelings in you? If so share what they are please. What is the mood it sets for you?     Since I love autumn, rainy nights and beautiful amber light spilling out in the street this scene makes me very happy.

2. Put yourself into this scene.  Where are you going .       I am going to the foreground building.

3. Do you have a companion or are you going to meet someone? Who is it?    I am going to meet a man who is so handsome it's as though he stepped out of a romance novel! He has hired me to ghost write a novel for him.  It will take place in Victorian London. 

4. Using your imagination describe who and what you find inside the foreground building.  Is it a restaurant, library, academic building, a home?  

   Inside there is a lovely little restaurant/book shop. Upstairs are private rooms for meetings, etc.   We will have coffee while we discuss the book deal.                                     


*"Dark Academia is a style steeped in the romanticism of literary nostalgia and the academic aesthetic of classical architecture and arts. Originating in the hall of Ivy-covered universities, this style speaks to those who yearn for an era of structured elegance and intellectual pursuit."

Tomorrow I will post about Dark Academia with pictures to show what it really is.


  1. Love your story Annie! Wouldn't that be fun to ghost write a story! Thanks for the great questions this week and for teaching us about Dark Academia which I had never heard of.

  2. Another interesting post ! Love visiting your blog...always something to learn and appreciate ! The painting is inviting...so many stories inside !

  3. Very interesting! Is your handsome man going to be in the novel?

  4. Oh, this sounds intriguing! I can't wait to hear more about the "handsome man" and the book deal! Sounds like it would be a lot of FUN!! This was a great idea for our Tuesday 4, Annie. Thank you for making us think!!

  5. So romantic, I can imagine you there!! Thank you for a great Tuesday 4.


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