Saturday, September 28, 2024

Cool Nights..

peaking of cool nights, we are having them here on the New Jersey coastline in the bayside village of Autumn Pumpkinville.   Yes, we have a new village name for each season!  
Temperatures at night are down in the 50°F lately and daytimes are in the 60° to 70°F.   It's been truly lovely.  It is Friday as I do this and as far as the weatherman is concerned we are awaiting the arrival of the left overs of Helene.  We will see though. We've had no rain for a long while now and some would be very nice.   It was drizzling a bit today(Friday) but nothing substantial.  I understand that might come later on this evening!

Saturday 9: Cool Night (1981)
Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it HERE
I liked Paul Davis' music.  His song I Go Crazy has special meaning for me from decades  ago . 

1) In this song, Paul Davis invites his old girlfriend to "come on over tonight." Have you more recently extended or received an invitation?
I rarely receive invites from anyone but I  am hospitable and have people over a lot.  It's not easy for me but I love the company and making people happy.   I have learned through the years that most people neglect or just don't like showing hospitality. 

2) He tells her she doesn't have to commit to any plans. Do you like having a schedule ahead of you with things to do delineated? Or do you prefer to see how your days naturally unfold?
They must unfold.   I make some plans but over all I let the plans unfold as they will. 

3) He wants them to cuddle by the fire. Will tonight be a cool night where you are?
Yes.  Nights are in the 50's F now.  Cool nights are the best I think.  

4) A quiet night in front of the fireplace is likely how Paul Davis spent many evenings. When he died in 2008, his best friend remember
ed him as a quiet man, "a homebody" who liked staying up late into the night enjoying conversation and music with friends. Describe your perfect evening.
The same as Paul Davis really.. staying up late enjoying conversation, music/films with friends.

5) Mr. Davis also enjoyed playing pool and golf. Do you have a liking for either of those games?
Never done either. Minatare golf once.   I always thought both might be fun though.   I think golf is expensive though.  What I like is the idea of being outside all day in a lovely setting.

6) When he retired from music, Paul Davis returned to Meridian, MS, the town where he was
 born and grew up. Since we Americans can be a nomadic lot, let's find out: Is the town where you were born the same place where you spent most of your growing up years?
I was born in a hospital outside my town but I did spend my childhood in one town from birth to marriage.    I  grew up with my whole family in the same tiny town and I view that as a great blessing especially after hearing the stories of  friends who moved a lot and now have problems as a result.

7) In 1981, when Paul Davis was a hit, so were The Rolling Stones with "Start Me Up." What's your favorite Rolling Stones' song?
I am no fan of the Rolling Stones at all, so  sorry, I can't name a song that is any where near being a favorite.   
8) Also in 1981, Snoopy was all the rage, with kids and adults alike. You could buy Snoopy
magnets, pencils, pencil sharpeners, note pads ... even a Snoopy bulletin board. If today we went shopping for office supplies, what would you pick up?
Note book filler paper and  a new 3 ring binder, some ultra fine Pilot G-2 pens.  Maybe a bouquet of #2 Ticonderoga pencils!   A small notebook, maybe a small weekly diary and whatever else I think I need at the time.
But,  look! Here is Snoopy.. not a magnet or note pads but the The Great Pumpkin Waltz which is pretty good.

9) Random question: In a biopic of your life, who would play your mom and dad?
Gene Tierney   looks very much like my mother so I will choose her.    And I think Don Draper from Mad Men series as my father.  That would be a pretty good match.  

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