z Cottage by the Sea : October Memories

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

October Memories

Happy Tuesday Friends!  I love Tuesdays because of Tuesday 4.
We here in my town are praying for  Florida as many of our towns citizens are snowbirds who have recently returned to Florida for the winter. Our town council issued a call to prayer for Florida's safety
Please join us!
Welcome to October's first Tuesday 4 kept in memory of Toni Taddeo.   
You are always very welcome here and your participation is much appreciated.

1. What memories do you have of Octobers past?
In my childhood hometown the streets are lined with chestnut trees.   In October I loved the leaves falling from the trees, the chestnuts and acorns hitting the ground. We would collect them and have pockets full of them.
I recall the piles of leaves being burnt in late October and the wonderful scent of it on the breeze.
I remember sitting in school looking at the cars pass by on dark rainy days and seeing the light of the headlights glisten on the colorful leaves that covered the streets and sidewalks.    Football games, bon fires at night, spooky nights and the costumes of Halloween.. innocent back then.   Lights spilling out of homes onto leaf covered walkways and roads.
Kicking leaves on the walk to school.  Woolen sweaters , woolen  pleated skirts and warm socks.
Candy and caramel apples cooling on Cut Rite Wax Paper in the kitchen.  
Shoofly and apple pies on the table.  \

2. Besides here in New Jersey, some of the coziest neighborhoods I've driven through were  in rural Ohio and Pennsylvania.   The picture reminds me of those times.     Does this photo bring any thoughts to mind for you?
Well, what I wrote above in the question.  This home is very much rural and small town NJ, Ohio and Pennsylvania, New York.. on and on.  I love this house and I know it's warm and wonderful inside. I grew up in a home of this kind. How about you?   To me this house and scene are small town America.

3. As weather cools I do enjoy Pumpkin Spice and Pumpkin Latte flavors in my coffee.  Do you like flavored coffees or teas? Which are favorites for you?
I look forward to pumpkin spice coffee in the autumn but have not had any so far this year.  I will have to order some online I suppose.  I've tried adding the spice into a cup but it just doesn't taste right at all.
I can drink the pumpkin flavors all during autumn and winter time.

4.An orchard near me not only sells apples but pies and their famous apple cider donuts in the fall.
What kind of pies, cakes and pastries do you like to eat?
My grandmother  was a baker during the depression making pies, cakes and bread in her kitchen  to sell to keep the family going.
She baked the  best apple, cherry, blueberry, vinegar(custard) and Shoofly pies you ever tasted.
My favorite cakes are Coconut layer cake, Black Forest Cake and Wellesley Fudge Cake.
As for pastry, give me a well made Napoleon any time!!   There was an Austrian owned café near me long ago called Cafe Mozart. They had little tables so you could have tea/coffee and a home made pastry.  What a luxury that was.
May God bless and protect our precious brethren in North  Carolina, George, Tennessee and all impacted areas.  
"I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter, my great army, which I sent among you. “You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, who has dealt wondrously with you." Joel 2


  1. Our precious brethren in N Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee are getting stabbed in the back by the Biden administration. They dumped billions of dollars in illegal immigrant services, now there is nothing left for the natives in need. To make matters worse, transformer parts, equipment switches and other grid equipment in federal storage was given to Zelensky and Ukraine for their dumb war, instead of Americans suffering with no electricity and water. Now Israel is threatening to bomb Iran oil fields, Biden is offering them money not to?! while Americans languish on $750 from FEMA. Enough is enough, Trump/Vance 2024.

  2. Thank you for this lovely post, and also for the prayers for Florida! We sure do need them right now! This Hurricane Milton is a monster, and I fear there will be serious extensive damage all along the coast as well as in the interior of the state. We are as ready as we can be, but praying for God to still the wind and the waves. October isn't being very nice to us so far this year. I love Octobers normally, but this is not my idea of what October is supposed to be. I hope to write on my page for Tuesday 4 today sometime if I have time. Your answers all sound good, especially all those goodies you mentioned! Wow! Yummy!

  3. Oh, I forgot about coconut cream pies and cakes. They are also a favorite!
    I enjoy pumpkin spice but by the end of fall, I'm done!
    It's strange but I have more memories related to fall with November rather than October.
    Have a great week, my friend.


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