z Cottage by the Sea

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Tuesdays at Woolworths
& Columbus Day

Hi Friends, and happy Columbus Day! Happy Italian American month too.  
In fourteen hundred and ninety two a nice Jewish/Italian boy named Cristoforo Columbo or Colon came to the Americas.  Queen Isabella doubted it was his first time. .did you know that?  Yup and it probably wasn't.  Most of his crew were Jewish also as Jewish people were expelled from Spain that year.  But Isabella loved her boy Chris.   So under the Knights Templar cross they sailed for America in the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria.   Of course before him 70,000 Welsh had come with Prince Madoc and King Arthur as far inland as the falls of the Ohio.  Later English settlers wondered why so many small tribes spoke fluent Welsh and kind of looked Welsh as well.     Puerto Rico loves Chris as well and celebrates this day as does Italy!  Yay!!! 
Here is a photo of my grand daughter of the heart, Paula who came up from Puerto Rico to visit us for the winter holidays.  What a great holiday we had that year.   She and the Little were in Spain together earlier this year.
And she and the Famous Anonymous have been best of friends since they were children.

Puerto Rican girl takes NYC
The photo shows her conquering New York City! There was no trouble since the cops surrendered very nicely, very willingly. They knew it was useless to resist!

So now onto other things:
Tuesday 4 is available  Here.   My own answers are at the very bottom of this article though I really do answer many of them in here.
This week we take  a step back to another time.   
I worked at Woolworth's as a 2nd job to help pay for my kids education.
I worked from 8 in the morning until midnight at two full time jobs. At home I had my mother also who was infirm, then finally bed ridden for a few years.  At that time I had to quit both jobs to care for her full time until she passed on.
I had my spinal problems at the time and was on my feet all day long. No picnic at all but, I made it through.   
I will tell you that I really enjoyed working at Woolworth's.  I ran one of the cash registers and enjoyed dealing with the customers.  Tuesdays was senior citizen day and they got a 10% discount.
 Some were very slow but, that was fine, I was there and not going any where. 
One day a man came in with his son. The father was probably in his 80s and quite slowed down by arthritis and age.  The son was probably somewhere in his 50s and impatient and rude with his father who was writing out a check for his purchases.  He got so rude and ugly with his father that I leaned over the counter and whispered loudly to the elderly gentleman that if my son talked to me like that he would need a dentist right quick!  The old gent was startled,  He slammed down his pen, turned as quickly as age allowed and said  to his son.  "She is right! I've let you get away with this disrespect long enough kid!  If you open your mouth to me like that one more time I will lay you out on the floor!"     The son was flabbergasted and silent.  Loud applause broke out among the customers and the senior man went back to writing out the check.     All in all a great day.  
I was sad to see Woolworth close down.  We sold everything unique and cool and that are hard to find today.  
Times are changing more rapidly all the time and not for the better.  Oh well, come over and join in Tuesday 4.  It's fun and we would be so glad to have you.
Okay, I think I will have a grilled cheese, some French Fries and a Coke for a total of 65¢
What will you order?  Tell us over at Tuesday 4... go on.. you know you want to.. go. 

1. Did you ever eat at Woolworth's?   I actually worked there to put my kids in private religious  school.
2.  What would you order from this menu?  As I answered above, grilled cheese, french fries and a coke! Maybe even a milk shake.
3. Woolworth's had banana splits and    Sundaes.  Do you like Sundaes? What kind?
A CMP.. vanilla ice cream , chocolate sauce, marshmallow sauce, peanuts and whipped cream and a cherry on top!
4. What restaurants are you favorites and what do you usually order?
I like restaurants with a down home feeling about them mainly.  I order down home style food too.  I am not much for the super gourmet things.
I hope you enjoyed this week's Tuesday 4 and will continue to participate and encourage others to join in as well.  
Bye til next time.


Thursday, October 10, 2024

Sunsets and an Aurora

Tonight (Thursday) is a very chilly night at only 48F.     The day was very cool as well since October is settling in full time.    As I write this I hear the barn owl hooting in the trees by my house.   I love that sound so much.   
August 10: Aurora Borealis, Barnegat Lighthouse, NJ. Photo by Melinda Dee

All these above were taken on a warm summer day

Sunset on the cove

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


The prayers of sincere and humble people are powerful.

Gov. DeSantis has contracted free rides with Uber to safe places. Use promo code: MILTONRELIEF
If you are told to flee.. get out now.  Do not wait.