z Cottage by the Sea : Rain Storms
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, August 11, 2008

Rain Storms

See the Rain drops on the Bay?


For the last few days we have had thunder storms that rocked the house!

Did you ever notice that lightning is pinkish sometimes? Last night I sat in my living room looking outside at the front pond in the rain and noticed that it sometimes flashes pink.

With the interior lights off I watched the rain splash down into the little pond and glint from the bit of light that streams from other things around. It was lovely to watch.

Now , just this moment it has begun to rain again. No shortage of water here , that's for sure.

It is good as it keeps the surrounding forests damp and fire free for now.

More thunder and temps are dipping a bit. Time for a hot cup of tea.


  1. Hi Annie! I wonder what the explanation for pink lightning is? Maybe something to do with the sun setting? Wow! 15 is an amazing age for a lab! He's been well-taken care of! (((Hugz)))

  2. I also have noted that lightning can be pink and sometimes white or more yellow toned.
    Could it be the amount of energy?

  3. I'm for tea!!! Make mine Irish Breakfast, a spoon of honey and some half and half. :]

  4. In my opinion labs are the sweetest most docile and loyal dogs in the world.

    I have noticed a pinkish hue to lightning a few times. I think it does have to do with the setting sun.

    Hmmm tea? How about some spearment herbal tea?


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