z Cottage by the Sea : Magazine Covers
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Magazine Covers

You can have these covers made of your own home online. But heck I can photoshop it myself and use what I want. I used a photo from my dining room with my shell and beach glass collection and a photo of one of the ponds.
I made these up this morning. I think they look kind of okay.
If you have a rectangular photo of your house or family or whatever and want me to do one for you, let me know. I would be happy to. Or you can go HERE and do it yourself too.
You can click on them to enlarge them to full size.
There are so many ideas out there for cute things to make . Just wish there was time to do it all.

Right now I am working on a logo and website graphics for a company in New York City.
So far I have put in over 40 hours on it and counting.
I hope they realize what this is going to cost them !

Hope your day is wonderful.


  1. wow, your own magazine covers, these are so cool

    logo work can be a headache i know

  2. Hi Annie! Those covers look great! I'll have to check out that link! Good luck with yur website and logo job. (((Hugz)))

  3. Ok just leave name and email and send a photo you like and I will be happy to.
    Tell me also some titles you might like ok?

  4. Those are really cool!

    Logos are a pain. I lost track of how many hours I spent designing one for a therapist who was starting her own business, years ago.

    My consolation was the pay at the end. :]


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