z Cottage by the Sea : Heading for the Weekend
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, October 31, 2008

Heading for the Weekend

Sandy in his drawer
I have had this dresser for a long time. It was a finish it yourself piece that has had a few transformations.
This cat and his siblings were born in this dresser.
One afternoon, his mother, the tiniest cat I had ever seen, (she perpetually looked like a kitten) wandered in through an open back door, made herself at home in a drawer that was open to have its lining changed.. and gave birth to her kittens!
The mother cat was a Tortoiseshell we named Vicki.
We gave away most of the kittens to our local vet whose assistants wanted to adopt them, but the mother and two boys stayed with us til she finally wandered off a few years ago now. The kids named the kittens Garfield and Sandy.
When the bottom of the top drawer gave out and was removed for repair, Sandy moved into it and found a nice sleeping spot for a bit. After all, he was born there. It was home.

Its a gorgeous day out, sunny and cool as we head on into the week end.
I hope your weekend will be spectacular and sunny in every way.


  1. I always adore the picture you post. So beautiful. Being a cat person I loved seeing that too.

  2. What a sweet story about your cat. I have a cat too-brought him with me from Texas to France.

  3. You and your camera seem to have a talent for being at the right place at the right time !Sandy is adorable...funny how cats find the perfect cozy spot to sleep...a great "photo op ".Have a wonderful weelend !

  4. Cats are so funny the places they find to curl up in. I posted a photo of Hunter (our big orange and white cat) today. He was trying to interfere with my blogging. ;) Have a great week ahead! (((Hugz)))


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