Wind Speed: 20 knots
Wind Direction: SW
Sea State: Very rough
Condition: Head high
Ocean Temp: 37 F
The remodeling craze is , I think, a new phenomenon. I don't remember things changing quite as much years ago as they do now, nor do I remember hardware or lumber stores doing the land office business they have done of late. There really were no Lowe's and Home Depots.
People added on additions only when sorely needed not just for cosmetic value. Curb side appeal was not much more than mountain pinks over a retaining wall and in the cracks on concrete stairs, and a freshly painted front door.
We lived with things as they were and our parents and grandparents homes and apartments reflected that older image. I remember that the old phone in my grandparents apartment(bigger than my house today!) was heavy and from the 30's. No need to replace what wasn't broken. They had the same dining room set they bought when first married and same with the living room furniture.
My parents had the same furniture in the house when they passed away that they had when first married. The only changes were the slip covers for the sofa sleeper that my Mother had made for change of season and so one could be cleaned.
Sometimes when I watch HGTV I get a bit miffed. I see people going into homes that are perfectly fine and making rude remarks about how "outdated" the kitchen or bathrooms are.
I know its fine to update and make things according to your own taste but, sometimes... well you know it grates a bit. Maybe I am just jealous, let's not discount that. sigh
Are we just too spoiled? Maybe not. I love seeing how people are decorating their homes and some of the ladies even on the net are just fantastic at it! Their homes are right out of the Home and Garden pages.
One woman was not fond of the old fashioned pink 50's bathroom in a house they were considering buying. I thought it was great myself. I love the 50s look and style. No one wants to pay for something they don't enjoy and would want to change out. But, maybe we need to play up the old and find out why it was so popular back then and maybe look for some advantages in it. Especially if everything else in the house is pleasing to you.
I lived in an old house at one point. Big old house ... I had the downstairs and it had a very old kitchen sink that was metal with a long grooved drainboard on one side and pipes covered over with a curtain and drawers on the other side. I loved it! Perfect for bathing dog and baby and reminded me of my childhood too.
The drain board was fabulous and the old faucet worked. Today I have changed out my expensive new fangled Kitchen faucet 2 times and they keep breaking. Next time I am off to the architectural salvage to find an old one that will never break down! I miss that old sink now. It was workable and usable despite it's old fashioned looks. I would trade the new for that anyday and then work with that look.
Now I can see these bathrooms done up in vintage style very nicely. Pink and Black were very "Parisian" in the 50's . No, don't turn up your nose now because 20 years from now someone will turn their nose up at your bathroom that you are so happy with now! Seems like it anyway.

I think this bathroom is just spiffy! I would go all out for that vintage look and keep the atmosphere very 1957. I love the curve of the counter, the surround on the mirror and those flowery curtains are very 50's. They look like they are made from old 40's-50's table cloths actually. I like this look quite a lot. Just let's dump the vase of flowers and add something a bit better ok?

The Pepto Bismol pink here doesn't thrill me, but over all I love this old bathroom too. I would play it up with vintage accessories so that a trip to the potty was a step back in time!

I think this works. I would frame out the mirror maybe or add something a bit more vintage looking. I might go for older lighting fixtures as well, though the over the mirror light is pretty 50-60s.
I think this bath is cute as a button. I say leave it alone.
I love putting surprises in a home. A room that is out of the ordinary or even a trompe l'oeil bird's nest on a door header. In one place I painted a mouse hole , complete with peeking mousey down by the floor. It was a big hit with kids who would get down and just be fascinated by it. It looked real after all.
Hope your Saturday is bright and sunny. See you later alligator.
I had an old green tiled bathroom once. I really loved it. I'm not much on redecorating either just at replacing things that no longer work, such as dishwashers.
ReplyDeleteGood morning Annie :)
ReplyDeleteI plan on leaving my pink tile, even though Rich thinks I'm silly, but I love it :)
I agree with all the redecorating. It's gotten out of hand and people are making mistakes that the houses won't recover from.
All those kitchens that have granite and stainless (had them in the old house) will be as out of style as that pink tile in those bathrooms one day. I'm sticking to tradition in this house and am staying away from all that new stuff. I want the house to reflect it's age and not the trends of today :)
Oooh Annie,
ReplyDeleteI have the same sentiments! I would keep that 1957 bathroom in all its pink color...although not a favorite color of mine but all the same a testament to my birth year as well...hehehe...those were lovely years...hehe. But seriously I rather have the retro to the modern day any old day…a real vintage gal at heart!
I have no idea where people get all the money these days....???? I wish I could fix a run down kitchen, bathrooms and floors....everything I mentioned is falling apart and in terrible need of renovations but alas no money! So I enjoy looking at the beautiful blog homes and dream...for now. Maybe in a few years I might be able to tackle some of those much needed repairs. Lovely time spent here and the clock….I want one too! Oh and before I forget to mention…the mouse hole and the bird’s nest….yes yes yes yes !!!!
I want those in my house too! My daughter is the artist in the family …must get her to paint them for me.
p.s. Beautiful paintings Annie…didn’t notice at first that you paint them…just gorgeous!
Hugs Annabelle
Hi Annie! We did a complete remodel of our 3 bathrooms 2 years ago. Our house was more 70's so didn't have the charm of the 50's even. That is now retro where 70's is still just dated. :) The mouse hole sounds charming! I looked and found pphotos of our remodels on flickr. This photo is of our lace. ;)
Hi nice photos. Any ideas for colors to paint the trim in a pink bathroom? What brand and gloss would be good? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI like gray or white trim.:)