z Cottage by the Sea : Rainbows Day and Night
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Rainbows Day and Night

Wind Speed: 15 knots
Wind Direction: W
Sea State: Choppy
Condition: Waist high
Ocean Temp: 34 F
Wave Height: 3 ft.

Tonight I am going to see the Harlem Globetrotters. I think it will be a great time. I saw them once before and they were great fun and very talented guys. I will try to take some photos to show tomorrow.

My front door window casts rainbows and shadows on the walls day and night. I love how it looks.
After seeing the movie Pollyanna long ago I wanted to hang crystals in all my windows to bring the rainbows inside like Pollyanna did. I have small crystals in the kitchen but it was a surprise when I found that the new (about 5 years now or so) front door also added rainbows.
They are not as vivid in the photo because of the sunlight but in person they are nicer to see. But this shows how far it casts the rainbows and light patterns.

I have a stand alone coat closet by the front door. I don't have enough closets in the house and so it is necessary. When I say its a small house, I don't exaggerate. You can see that the light patterns are on it also.

Here is the door by night. It casts shadows across the room , on the closet side and to the walls across the room too.
I think it looks pretty.♥

Do you have things in your life that make you happy just to look at them? Naturally occurring or otherwise? Books, plants, paintings , shadows, lights, candles, anything that you look at and have a nice feeling inside?
Sometimes the feeling is not that strong, but if you think about it, there may be something that really does give you a lift.

The clock I installed on the blog here has chimes that sound very real. They make me happy just to hear them.
Let us know what makes you happy.


  1. Hi Annie! Now that you mention it, I completely remember that scene in Pollyanna with the crystals. :) Jeff had a huge crush on Hayley Mills when he was a teen- well, they have the same last name. :) That's why we named our cat, Hayley. It's funny at the vets when they call "Hayley Mills!" Some people don't get it- too young! :D


  2. I saw the Harlem Globe Trotters years ago with my sons. They were so talented and so funny. I'm sure you will love them.

  3. I love the look of the light with the crystals! When we built onto our house my husband made me a reading nook that I love but my cat is always using it to sleep in and I don't want to disturb her :)


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