z Cottage by the Sea : Monday Came and Went.....
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Monday Came and Went.....

Sunday, the day ended with a lovely sky, a nice pizza dinner with the famous Anonymous Kid and her baby sister,Bubbles (as her uncle calls her for some reason) She is now 17 months old.

Their parents went out to celebrate their anniversary so I stayed with the girls and had a little pizza party with them.

They live just a few doors from me so it's easy babysitting duty. It's nicer for me to go there as all their things are there. Its great having family so close by.

Today I was sore from the yard work.

Do you see the little bird on the wire?
The wires are not underground here as the water table is too high.

In the daytime the wires serve as a place for Mourning Doves to sit and coo quietly.

You can make the photos larger if you want to. If you don't want to, then just whistle a nice tune and do a little dance instead. If someone finds you doing this and asks why, you can blame it on me.

Sunday the Anonymous Kid came to help me plant flowers.

We put in a lot more than this though, including another minature rose.

Now there are several minature bushes in the dirt around this small pond.... yellow, bright red, pink, white and the new one, whose color I don't know yet as its not blooming and I just plain forgot!

Maybe on Thursday she will come and help clean the pond filters. She loves to use the hose with wild abandon so its a perfect job for her.

Teaser Tuesday is a new meme.
Here are the rules from Should be Reading

Grab your current read
Let the book fall open to a random page
Share with
us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12.
You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your
“teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they
like the teaser you’ve given!

"Shifting his gaze to Dad, Memphis appeared coiled to strike, searching for any excuse, any little reason. The knuckles of his fists turned white as bones. I thought of the robber, the shiny red foam bubbling from his mouth. Dad refused to meet Memphis' steady look. His eyes were still fixed on Mom.
A far-off dog barked crazil, as thought it had finally snagged a passing car."

"Memphis looked back at my mother. It was clear he wanted only a signal from her. Her eyes were large and round, the pupils wet-black with apprehension. She didnt move or speak, but her wordless plea hung in the air."

I shared teaser paragraphs.... sentences seem chintzy to me. They tell you nothing unless they are dynamite.
The books title is "The Starlite Drive-In" by Marjorie Reynolds.
A drifter comes to work at the drive in and becomes involved with a sweet lonely woman, her young daughter and the mentally abusive husband/father.
It's my second time reading it and its pretty good!

Are you reading anything? Seeing any good movies lately?


  1. I saw and enjoyed the movie Yes Man, which was odd for me, as I don't typically like that kind of movie. Ironically, I am much like the "no man" the movie talks about.

  2. I will have to see that and see what the "no man" is like !

  3. Hi Annie!
    Normally when I read, I devour a book in a few days. Lately, I just can't get around to finishing one... all goes along with my "not enough hours..." theory. I'm currently reading Nelson De Mille's, The Gate House- sequel to The Gold Coast. Have you read any of his books like Plum Island? Most take place in your neck of the woods. Glad you have family close by! (((Hugz)))

  4. Your comment that you left in my blog was beautiful...thank you! I wish we had your beautiful skies! Summer is here in New Orleans...no doubt about it! It was 93º today and no rain in sight to cool things down. Have a good week!


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