z Cottage by the Sea : A Sunshine Day
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Sunshine Day

t this time of year all the boaters are out having a nice time. They sometimes spend the night in the cove and especially when the weather is as beautiful and sunny as today.

Today is a sunshine day! Bluest of blue skies and puffy white clouds. Very pretty out.
We had sun but then more rain again last night. It has been a rainy, cool summer. So much for global warming which seems to play jokes of it's advocates all the time.
Then is the opposite side of the coin, the groups that think a mini ice age is coming. I don't know if any of them know what they are talking about.
At one event for Global warming which was quite a large event, there was a freak out of season snow storm that dumped a huge amount of snow on the site.

Well God has a sense of humor I think. "You think you control weather eh? Take this!"

Speaking of 'take this'........

I found another fun item in the Hello Kitty collection. Since bumping into all those other items the other day I seem now to see Hello Kitty everywhere!
This is a Hello Kitty Taser Gun for those times when you need self protection but want to be cute about it at the same time.
It just goes to show you that cute can mean business too.
I like the sort of dead pan-yet-sweet look on the Kitty's face. And the color pink lets the miscreant know that while you are gonna really zap them, you will do so in a cute and girly way.

It seems that you can just outfit your entire life with Hello Kitty products.....and they just began as supplies for Japanese school girls. Those girls have a bite to 'em!

Hope your Tuesday goes nicely. Make the most of it.


  1. NOW they have a taser !!! Where were they when I needed them ??!?
    nevermind...the shore photo is lovely , as are all your pictures . thank you for a bright spot in my day !

  2. Hi Annie! That's a pretty funny item- a pink taser gun. Are tasers even legal to own? I guess it varies from state to state.

    Thanks for your suggestions re Audre. Thankfully Jessica and family can be here at nights and her sister can help her during the day. We're going to work on some other safety measures for her before we leave.


  3. Now that's something I've never had used on me.

  4. Hi Annie, the beach photo is just beautiful, the colors are so pretty.
    that's so strange about the hello kitty tasor!

    hugggs ♥

  5. Hi Annie: I love the photo of the ocean. I so love the sea. Have a lovely day. HUGS


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