z Cottage by the Sea : Clear Pond, Clear Weather... Great Day
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, September 18, 2009

Clear Pond, Clear Weather... Great Day

It was very chilly last night, chilly enough for me to add another blanket.
Its lovely and bright and sunny today with great low 70's temperatures.

The large pond is back to being crystal clear thanks to a barley straw solution that rounds up the algae and eats it up.
Its the greatest stuff and saved me buying a UV sterilizer.
The sterilizers have their own merits though and I don't know if I will never put one in again.
They do a marvelous job of keeping ponds clean and crystal clear.
The ponds are loved by the chipmunks, squirrels, raccoons, possums... deer. My dog used to take a dip once in a while and scare the fish to smithereens.
They are home to all sorts of things including clams .
I have found egrets fishing in them.. wading around with their long legs, and the big pond is deep in places.
But it gives water to the thirsty and makes a home for frogs and turtles.

I hope your weekends are wonderful.

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  1. Hi Annie I love your pond, I want one with some fish!!!! that is so relaxing looking. I used to have three fish tanks two Hexagon and one rectangle full of fish. I miss them.
    Maybe next year we can do a pond, but I will have to figure out a way to keep my dogs from it first. Our cat stays inside all the time. But what about other cats? do they come to your pond?
    I was born in Delaware and I envy your cooler weather, it's to hot in CA. My husband was born in PA. I always say I was born by the Atlantic Ocean and will die by the Pacific Ocean. Although we are two hours inland. Well with traffic.
    Sure I will do your garden, I love working in the garden. Have a wonderful first day of fall. Hugs

  2. Hi Annie! Thanks so much for the well-wishes. I had to laugh at your earlier comment wishing Jess a speedy delivery! That it was! You do such a great job with your pond! So many people don't do the upkeep and they become mosquito breeding grounds. You must attract wildlife from all over! (((Hugz)))


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