z Cottage by the Sea : Big Snow
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Big Snow

Well, we got hit. Not the biggest hit we have ever taken. About 5 years ago was worse, but still, a whole lot of snow. Two feet at least and drifts are large.
It's pretty though and for most of two days there were periodic white outs.

As I have said, I am across or parallel with Maryland and Delaware pretty much. So storms coming from the south and west are what bring us snow.
South Jersey is very different from North Jersey in weather and attitude.

Here you can see the far end of the big pond with it's banks loaded up with snow.And the frozen end completely covered by snow.

My driveway is completely snowed in and plowed in even more by the snow plows and other neighbors so no one will be visiting here until the spring thaw.

My gutters and soffits are taking a beating as they were in very bad shape to begin with. We will see what develops there.

It is sunny today and hopefully most of this will melt away soon and not make a return visit, although the snow is perferable to a huge rainfall since the snow melts gradually and doesn't cause flooding.

I hope your Sunday is sunny and warm.


  1. Unfortunately, coming North in a little sports car is a really bad idea. Looks like I'm gonna be walking!

  2. Hi Annie,
    I hear them calling the snow storm back east as snowmageddon. I am not really sure where you live? But from your pictures somewhere back east. Hope you have a wonderful week ahead.
    Hugs, Dru

  3. We did not get much snow here in NY form this storm ..only a couple of inches and today the sun melted most of it.

    Stay safe and warm! Hope the thaw comes soon!

  4. We didn't get a flurry here in upstate NY Annie. My sister lives in southern PA and was hit with over 2 feet of snow. We used to get blizzard snowfalls like that often but I think the last big one like that was in '92. They say my area might not miss the one coming on Wednesday though. I'm so looking forward to Spring this year. ;-}

    Have a lovely beginning of the week my friend. Hugs

  5. As if "snow-mageddon " wasn't bad enough , we're to be hit again Tues and Wed with more (10"-16" they say).Oh , joy...Somehow those HGTV shots of the Caribbean are so compelling !
    Stay warm and well ! Much love from the land of hot tea and cold noses !

  6. Hi Annie: Wow, you do have snow and more coming. Do you have someone to plow for you? Your pictures are lovely. Stay warm.

    I also chop Portobellas into this.

    3 medium eggplants split lengthwise
    4 tablespoons olive oil
    1 lb. pork or lamb sausage {or a mixture} removed from casings and crumbled
    {I often use Sweet Italian sausage}
    1 c. chopped onion
    1/2 c. chopped green peppers
    1 c. chopped FRESH spinach {OPTIONAL}
    2 tbs. or more, minced garlic
    Dash Paprika, Cayenne, Cumin, and Chili powder {Or some Emeril's Essence}
    Freshly ground black pepper
    2-3 tomatoes, chopped {Romas or a solid tomato}
    1 tbs.fresh Rosemary or Thyme, minced
    2 tbs. minced fresh oregano
    1 c. bread crumbs
    1 c. crumbled Feta or Blue Cheese

    Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
    Halve the eggplants lengthwise and scoop out the pulp, being careful not to pierce the skins
    Leave a 1/2-inch shell
    Chop the pulp
    Place the eggplant shells on a greased baking sheet brush the inside of each half with olive oil
    Bake until the shells are softened {approx.15 mins}
    Remove from the oven and let cool

    In a skillet, heat the remaining oil over medium-high heat. Add sausage and cook about 5 minutes
    Remove and drain on paper towel
    Add the onions and peppers to the fat in the pan and cook
    {3-4 mins.}
    Add the garlic, eggplant, spices and pepper, and cook until the eggplant is soft
    Add the tomatoes, and cook until their juices run
    Add the herbs, , {spinach}, and stir well
    Remove from the heat
    Stir in 3/4 cup of bread crumbs and mix into the vegetables
    Stir in the feta

    Divide the filling among the shells
    sprinkle the remaining bread crumbs over the top
    Bake until the tops are golden {about 30 mins.}

  7. Hope you're ready for some more snow!

  8. Ooooooh , Pretty ! Love the new header ! I really enjoy your artwork...thank you for brightening up my day !
    Am busy trying to get all in order before the snow tonight . New mantra ?...Spring is coming..Spring is coming...

  9. Oh, the pictures are gorgeous! Nothing like freshly fallen snow for being beautiful! Where are your pond fish? Now I'm worrying about them! :D Hope you don't get hit with anymore snow as it looks like you have plenty to go around! (((Hugz)))

  10. Snow is so pretty, I love your photos. I was living near New York City 5 years ago & I still remember the big blizzard. Stay warm.


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