z Cottage by the Sea : Blizzard and Then Some
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blizzard and Then Some

Blizzard warnings up. High winds, cold cold cold.

And so it begins again, another round of snow in the evening last night covering over the freshly cleaned walks and drives.

Businesses are closed, transportation is halted even children are not outside today. It is just too much for man or beast.

Through the night it fell until early morning when I was awakened by the sound of glassy tinkling sounds on the sides of the house: ice was falling.

Shining frozen droplets were falling in sheets outside and the sound ,as I opened the door to hear it, was like clinking crystal glassware. The road took on a glassy appearance and house lights glistened through it and onto the snow on the ground.

Then the snow began to fall again this afternoon in earnest after the ice had wiped snow from roof tops and trees just from sheer weight.
I had heard the snow falling in thuds outside throughout the wee hours of the morning. Now, it builds once again and yet again the I am plowed in by feet of snow.

At times it becomes almost white outside from the intensity of the snowfall.

The Pine Barrens provide the snow a backdrop .

Heavy with snow last night, in the early hours the ice had cleared their burden from the boughs. Now a new mantle of snow lays itself down on them.

Outside the front window it keeps replenishing what little was removed on Monday afternoon.

The cord from the pond heater drapes across the ever silent stone children who sit reading their book oblivious of the storm.

The fish are hunkered down and deep in hibernation under the ice. A large hole is open from the force of the stream that flows into it. This allows gases to escape so the fish don't suffocate. If temperatures drop too much I can turn on a pond heater for this pond also. So far it's not been necessary.

Blogger is being naughty and not allowing me to upload bay and ocean photos , so maybe next time.

Hope you are warm and sunny.


  1. Hi Annie;

    I really feel for you with all this snow. Ours started late morning and still going on. The winds are making it more like a blizzard. We are only getting about 12 inches (Won't really know until it's over tomorrow). Your photos are great.

    Take care, be safe and keep warm my friend. Hugs

  2. Thinking about you and all my east coast friends weathering all these snow storms. You'll all have to get "I survived the Blizzard of 2010" t-shirts! Hope you keep your power! Stay safe and warm! (((Hugz)))
    PS. Thanks for explaining about your fish and pond!

  3. I am exhausted from shoveling snow X 3 today. I'm sure my arms will be killing me tomorrow. Glad to have a warm home tonight..that's for sure!

    We will surely appreciate Spring this year, won't we? :-)

    Stay safe and warm!

  4. Hello Annie
    Thank you for visiting me.....I see you've got all the snow!
    It is very cold here (for us anyway) so I am staying inside - just popped a bread pudding in the oven for the Lame one - my coffee and walnut sponge didn't go down well....men a funny creatures...


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