z Cottage by the Sea : Sun and Music
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, February 12, 2010

Sun and Music

It is beautiful and sunny today. They say more snow is coming but I refuse to hear them. I have had enough. It's time for a break.
But the skies are super blue and the sun is blazing bright and its encouraging to say the least.

I really don't celebrate Valentine's Day and like Toni, it's just another day for me.

But this song is one of the prettiest love songs around , I think.
Al Jarreau has a wonderful voice and the lyrics are so nice.
I am very fond of his music as well as James Ingram and Lionel Ritchie.
I love the richness of their voices.

Who are your favorite singers? Why?

Have a lovely weekend.


  1. I like the Michael Buble song Quando Quando Quando, and some of his other stuff too.... I guess because it reminds me of someone I once held dear.

  2. Oh my goodness, I love Al Jarreau's music and absolutely LOVE that song, "After All!" It's one of my all-time favs! I do hope you continue to have sunshine and that the snow will melt and go away soon. It's actually cold here in South Florida--cold for a Southern lady.

  3. Hi Annie,
    Hope you still have sun today. We are heating up to the 80's this weekend lol I have seen Al Jarreau many times in concert. My sister use to be friends with him back in the 90's. She had a super crush on him and I think they went out for a while? I am guessing the 90's time goes by so fast maybe the 80's? Have a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs, Dru

  4. Happy Valentine's Day dear seet Annie !
    I loved your description of the movie Emma, so beautiful. So did you make the cake?
    Sorry you've had so much snow, we finally got some and we were all quite delighted. But you know, we never get it, so you can understand how excited we were. Now it's all gone.
    Your pictures are so beautiful.
    I love that song by Al Jarreau and one of my favorite singers for love songs is Lionel Richie I just love him.
    Have a loving and beautiful day ♥

  5. I'm with you - no more snow...please !! Having that beautiful sun shining in the windows is wonderful . The Ever Expanding Cat enjoys sleeping in the warm sunny spots on the floor...seems annoyed to have to actually move to follow them throughout the day .
    Don't remember the artists , never did , but love "Lady in Red "...it's what most ladies wish their men felt (and expressed) about them...
    Stay warm and well and have a wonderful day !

  6. Hi Annie;

    I'm not listening to weather forecasts either. Like you the sun is shining here today too.

    I love Al Jarreau and for other singers for love songs I like many different genres. Barry White, Kenny Rogers who sings Lionel Richie love songs, etc. (I like him too). My list is too long to mention others. Right now I'm going to enjoy the video you have here. ;-}

    Keep warm and have a lovely day my friend. Hugs


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