z Cottage by the Sea : Crystal Trees and Disappearing Pond
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Crystal Trees and Disappearing Pond

The trees are coated with crystalline ice glimmering in the sun today.
The pond has 4 foot sides now and appears tiny amidst all that snow.Some of it is iced over and also covered with snow.
The stream keeps a part open though.
My driveway is snowed in totally with big tree limbs blocking it too as I lost some trees from the weight of the snow and ice.
But today is sunshiney and no more snow predicted til next week..sign.
You can click on the photos to see them full sized. 'Photos that ate Cincinnati' size that is.


  1. Hi Annie;

    So beautiful to look at and yet so treacherous! It's such a shame about all the damage being caused with the storms. Our snow is already melting as the sun is out today. Unlike your area, El Nino has made my area the driest winter in years. I have a feeling the tide will turn soon and our spring will be a real wet one. ;-}

    Take care my friend and have a lovely day. Hugs

  2. What a gorgeous contrast the ice-encased trees make with that blue sky ! Beautiful !
    Glad you are safe and warm...good day to stay inside and enjoy a nice cup of tea...


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